Personal Statement

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Personal Statement


This paper presents an idea about Nursing, the four common concepts of nursing; person, environment, health and nursing itself, and my personal statement on them. How do these 4 concepts interrelate with each other and how understanding them thoroughly and believing in them, can help me become a better nurse.


I would like to begin by addressing the question, what is a Nurse, here. Nurses exist from ancient times, from where the concept of wet-nurses' arose. With the passage, of time odd and broken concepts accumulated into modern definition of Nurses. According the definition in Sage Reference;

“The contemporary nurse is a well-educated professional, either male or female.” Samawi, Boyadjian Z., Rich K., and. Bavier R. A.( 2009).

Nurses are not people who come in, and see the patients as sets of illnesses waiting to be treated. They do not flit in for half a minute scribble some secretive writings on the chart then rush off. No, nurses distinguish themselves from doctors here from this point. Nurses focus on the patient, along with their families and their circumstances, aside from looking after their presently running physical or mental illness. Nurses are not only found in hospitals or clinics, instead can found in community houses and public health centers, ambulances, nursing homes and even educational institutions. Nurses nowadays are qualified enough to be able to identify and diagnose a patient's individual responses to any potential or current illnesses, health conditions or other miscellaneous needs thus catering each chart to it. The nurse's opinions and observations prove to be valuable assets to doctors in making the very best recommendation for the patients, keeping the orders exclusively personalized. There is no hard and fast rule as to how to be a good nurse. There are a number of theories which highlight the popular characteristics and beliefs ...
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