Personal Statement

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Personal Statement

Personal Statement

College is a time when young individuals open their minds to new ideas and possibilities. They work to carry forward and fulfill their ambitions by pursuing them with zeal, and aided by hard work. In my opinion, the will to actively pursue a goal is the pre-requisite to success (Peter 2010). I can say this safely because since the beginning, my philosophy has been to work hard and work smart. The knack for working hard to achieve goals, complemented by the relentless pursuit to fulfill my desire to join the field of international education puts me in line for this scholarship in Ohio State University. It has been regarded as one of the finest institutions in several disciplines and I believe that my decision to enroll in it will greatly increase my chances of becoming the sort of professional who would contribute massively to society. I have had this aim for as long as I can remember. In order to succeed in any desire, certain requirements need to be met which enable an individual to achieve their targets.Edison said, “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work” (Baxter 2009)I completed my education in the discipline of child psychology. Further research in the relevant field like, A Comparative Study of Adjustment of Working and Non-Working Educated Married Women in Family”, A survey  report on  “Parental Attitude Towards Sex Education of their children and other case reports prepared on children suffering from ADHD,ODD and Dyslexia gave me a better insight into the subject. This however, also planted the urge in me to connect with these children and improve their lives in a meaningful way. A took a job in the education field for three years. This made me release the important connection that exists between child psychology and education. My experience in the field of psychology made it easier for me to predict child behavior pattern, their learning habits and attitudes. Class environment gave me a natural setting to observe children's behavior. This instilled in me the desire to further pursue my career in the field of education. It not only opened new avenues for me, but also made me realize my true potential and deep desire. Now I want to get a degree in international education. Especially, now-a-day when we talk about 21st century skills, it would be an innovative step to promote a blending of psychological analysis in educational settings, if we really want to help our students master the multidimensional abilities in order to adjust in the learning framework for 21st century. I, being a part of school administration, I want to set new and demanding educational standards and goals and establish policies and procedures required to achieve them. I personally feel my past experience in both the fields will prove to be a perfect amalgamation of skills required to excel in the said discipline.Also exposure at such a prestigious university is going to be great for enhancing my ...
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