Personal Statement

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Personal Statement

Personal Statement

Question 2

What is your intended major? Discuss how your interest in the subject developed and describe any experience you have had in the field — such as volunteer work, internships and employment, participation in student organizations and activities — and what you have gained from your involvement

My majors include the fields of child psychology, criminal psychology, and clinical psychology. At this point, I am extremely interested in delving into these capacities. I have a strong desire to understand the ways and circumstances that make people tick and all the possible ways in which i can assist them. I know the perceptions and feelings behind the action of people who do not want to see any good happening to others. There are many people who are in need of help and seek to look for it in their surroundings. I take inspiration from my potential to assist them in understanding themselves in such a way that they may be able to bring positive changes in their lives.

My passion in this particular fields have emerged from various primary sources, which may include my own mutinous stage as a young person, my inspiration and love for detective fiction, and my judgments and observations of other people, specifically with my mother and children. I give particular meaning to my mother's case due to the fact that she is undergoing depression and emotional issues at present. It seems as if the number of depressed people in my land is growing and this gives me constant reminders of the critical situation and deposition of my selected field of study.

Prior to dealing with the subject of psychology as an exchange student in Arkansas, it was my habit to observe and judge people when and where i got this opportunity. When i used to work at the childcare centre as a volunteer, i made a lot of judgments and observations. I have a naturally outgoing personality which helps me in connecting with different people from all walks of life. I have made people relax, laugh and talk whenever they were with me or around me; thus, in my opinion, while counseling people, these skills are important in understanding them and assisting and supporting them in understanding their own personalities.

There is still one factor which drives me most knows that once i was a person of defiant behavior who has brought great shame, pain and sufferings upon my own parents. When i was younger, I indulged into usual shouting matches with my parents. Sometimes this situation turned worst that i had to run away for many days from home, and only returned when i could not find any place to go or did not have anything to do. Though, it was a tough time for me, but for my parents, it was even tougher since they were the people who had to bear and tolerate the disrespect and disgrace of having a "wayward" child.

Luckily, since that time i have grown up and got mature, and do not ...
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