Personal Responsibility

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Personal Responsibility

Personal Responsibility


Life is beautiful! In order to enjoy each and every privilege right, it is imperative that an individual should have a sound mind and body and should be health and fit. In order to lead a life that is health, rational, meaningful and enjoyable there are scores of factors that play its role. One of the most prominent and vital role that a factor plays in lending success and cherishes of life is of personal responsibility. Personal responsibility can be defined as the ability of an individual to understand and fulfill all the obligations, duties and consequences that may arise as a result of any action taken by an individual. In other words, this phenomenon of personal responsibility can also be described as the ability of an individual to take care and to manage the feelings, health, emotions and other aspects of life. The presence of the factor of personal responsibility in an individual allows him, or her to lead his, or her life in a successful way. Presence of this element can also lend a hand to students to get academic success. The aim and objective of this paper is to talk about the individual responsibility and academic success from variegated facets.


The element of personal responsibility plays an immensely significant role in attaining excellent grades and becoming successful in college life. There can be infinite factors that can impede the way to achieve success in the college life. All of these restricting factors can be faced and overcome by a student if he or she possesses the trait of practicing personal responsibility. Personal responsibility refers to taking responsibility for one. It means taking care of oneself, accepting consequences, understanding the impact. The individual is responsible for his or her actions and behavior. With responsibility comes maturity and integrity. Responsibility leads to motivation, success and achievement. It derives happiness and self-actualization. Personal responsibility makes one in charge of one's own destiny. It means taking responsibility of one's decisions, choices and feelings. It is an attitude, a way of being. It goes from thoughts, choices, behavior and responses towards a career. To build personal, career responsibility one should watch one's language, build emotional intelligence; invest on personal and professional development, help one, be accountable and proactive. The individual must be able to take action, remain open-minded, develop a strong risk attitude, and should embrace all philosophies that come with the personal responsibility (Kuh, 2006).

Relationship between Personal Responsibility and College Success

There is a thin line of difference between achieving college success and procrastination. Procrastination is a habit that can ruin all the hard work that a student does throughout the year. Procrastination is the habit that can ruin the process of reaping fruits of studiousness and diligence. According to the research and surveys procrastination is a habit that is more prevalent in college students and can affect the grades of a college student. This habit of procrastination can be dealt with the help of personal ...
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