Personal Reflection

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Personal Reflection

Personal Reflection


This story had written by McCoy who was a hiker and it looked like that the author was fond of climbing mountains and, hiking peaks of mountainous regions. The story had written in 1983, told events of 1982, when McCoy used to climb top of mountains at Nepal, with his team. They were seemed affectionate of climbing top of the peak of Himalayas. The story revealed that they founded a body of a pious man, which they declared as a Sadhu. The man was in all probability a Sadhu, and could be considered as a pious man in Hindus' religion. They had made a perception that, Sadhu was not dead, because at that time body was shivering with cold.

The team of McCoy consisted members from different countries such as Japan, Switzerland, New Zealand and locals of Nepal. They tried their best to save Sadhu and, provided him food and warm clothes. They moved Sadhu down to the village and, then continued their journey without knowing that Sadhu was dead or not.

After sometime, McCoy realized, that this might be a wrong act because, he did not know whether Sadhu was dead or alive. The best things to be considered at the time of these situations, are taking into account values.



The world is advancing day by day with the initiation of technology as; expertise of technological advancement is reshaping our lives. With the development of such technologies, men are reliant on machines and, there is a lesser amount of focus on ethical standards of human lives. Fathers do not give their offspring appropriate time for the reason that, of their business and, infatuation towards technology such as iphones and ipads. It is the dependability of each character to help others who are in trouble. It is an old saying “God help those who be in love with his fellowman” (Downie, R.S., 1964).

Sadhu was a dutiful man as he was major his life on a steep region with few clothes on his body and, exclusive of proper food. Sadhus use up their lives on such locations which do not have much inhabitants because, they think they can pray more on such places and, do not get association of real world, for the sake of god.

It is the accountability of each human being to help such religious persons because; these people are very few in our genuine world. ...
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