Personal Philosophy Of Nursing

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Personal Philosophy of Nursing

Personal Philosophy of Nursing


Philosophy is related to the study of problem related to the general and fundamental problems. These problems are related to the parameters such reality, values, existence, reason, mind, knowledge and language. Philosophy is a critical way to analyze a problem.

Statement of My Personal Philosophy

My personal philosophy about my occupation is that this occupation is the one which can help person to get eternal happiness. This is because I have experience satisfaction in my life while being a nurse rather than doing anything else. I have critically analyzed the situation and my belief is like this due to the concrete evidences which I have found during my practical experience.


If some had asked me when I was of six years that what I want to become when I will grow up, I must have answered “A princess”. At the age of twelve I wanted to become a teacher, same as my class teacher. When I was of seventeen I wanted to become a model. So with the passage of time my choices about career seem to be changing. Though when being a princess in not a career but let it takes in this way. By the time I had graduated from my high school I have shifted various choices regarding what to become in future. The things which were in top of my mind were being a social worker or a nurse. Even when I was in college I was struggling between these two subjects and I was not able to decide that by what mean I can help the human race in a more better and professional way (Polifroni& Welch, 1999).

One day when I was at my shift at a health care organization, I decided what to become. This was the answer which I was searching for my whole past life. A nurse who was on duty with me on the same health care organization and in the same shift bought some fast food and sweets. I was surprised to see that as it was something which was rarely observed. When I asked her why she had gone out and spend money instead of taking the subsidized food from the cafeteria of the health care she said that it was not something which she is going to eat and drink. I was become more surprised to hear that. She told me that there is a patient kid at the hospital that is going to die soon and there is no one to car for him as her uncle and aunt has left him at the hospital. So being a responsible nurse she was looking after the kid and she want to make him happy so that her dream of making her patients happy can be fulfilled. This changed my life and all of a sudden I decided to choose nursing as my career path (Munhall, 1982).


Before entering the profession of nursing I did not had any prior education or formal information about this ...
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