Personal Narrative

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Personal Narrative

Personal Narrative

It was a cold night, with the wind stronger than it had been for a while, making the chimes play beautiful music that being the only thing which allows for relaxation in such stressful circumstances. “Let me know when she regains consciousness,” I said into the phone for the fourth time within the hour trying to end the call with shaky fingers. It was quite unbelievable that my sister, Shea, had collapsed and was taken to the hospital. She was thousands of miles away and it was difficult to help her in any way.

Shea was three years younger than me. She had gotten married a year ago to the man she had been dating for eight years. She got pregnant within a month of it. They had a happy marriage, much happier than other marriages in recent times. Their happiness allowed many to regain trust in the institution of marriage. Our parents had died when Shea was only five and I was seven years old. It was a car accident that claimed their lives. Ever since the accident, she had been under my care for the next twenty years until she got married. Even after her marriage, I could never stop worrying about her. In the midst of all this, she needed someone by her side and could not comprehend what had happened or what was happening to her.

Knowing that her husband was there; and would be taking of everything should have helped me calm down a bit, but it was not helping. I started walking around the room in an attempt to distract myself from the situation at hand. The last few months of Shea's pregnancy were quite hard on her. She had lost a lot of weight and had started staying really unhappy and depressed. According to the doctors, it was a normal part of pregnancy and hence everyone thought that there is no need to worry.

After graduating from Law school, I moved to Boston and joined a reputable law firm to gain experience and fulfill my dream of becoming a successful lawyer. Before moving, the only nagging thought was that I would be far away from Shea; practically the only family I had. But, I knew that she was in good hands as her husband cared about her almost as much as me.

However, right now I felt like I had let her down. ...
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