Personal Management Assessment

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Personal Management Assessment

Personal Management Assessment


In this study we are going to discuss different management concepts and aspects and how an individual can blend those attributes to become a manager in his life ahead. You can't just depend on your own skills wholly solely, that's because management requires team work, leadership, coordination, planning and lot other things in common. One can't just depend on his skills to manage everything on his own. A person who has management skills and attributes can never act all the same everyday in his corporate life; no matter how confident he is and how much control he has over his management skills. The reason behind it is simple; a manager's success is highly dependent on the people who are working under his management. One may tailor work towards perfection using his expertise and knowledge, but as a manager he can never be successful if his team is reflecting a substantial and unacceptable work, this will eventually imitate and reflect the failure of the manager. It won't be of much use if managers end up blaming their staff members and subordinates because a manager himself is a part of the system and the work of the subordinate is follow his instructions and footsteps. A perfect manager is to trust no one but his own managerial skills and make sure things go according to plan (Sanchez, 1997).

A manager needs to understand few things before just pushing himself into a direction in order to make him efficient and effective. First things first, at every level a manager needs to have a plan and a vision to reach and to accomplish that mission he needs to draft series of objectives and share it with his team and subordinates and make them realize the significance of those task and objectives. This way everyone will have a common goal to share and this would ultimately keep them busy from wasting their time in doing things they shouldn't be doing.

Many managers tend to assume and gather expectations from their staff members and subordinates that they know what needs to be done next. This may not always be the case since every individual's experience differs from one another and usually its best to map things out for other members of the team because mostly subordinates need a direction and a leader to point them towards what needs to be done so that they can keep them in track towards the right direction. The value for each action and objectives should be well defined to make others understand its significance and worth for completing it, this study will describe what managerial steps help enable a manager will understand other regarding “What and how things need to be done”.

Another aspect that needs to be discussed is in regards to the attitude and behavior of managers in the organization towards their work and team mates. No matter how perfect an individual might be, compromising, cooperative or highly qualified, there is highly likely everyone experiences ...
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