Personal Leadership Development

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Personal Leadership Development

My Leadership Dream:3

My Goals and My Plan for My Dream4

Personal Leadership4

Business Leadership5

Leaders Skills5

Leaders and Managers6

Dreams and Leadership Goals7

SMART Goals8

My Steps towards My Coaching10

My Future in My Dram Company12

My Next Plan13

Leadership Development

My Leadership Dream:

There are so many persons who have inspired me by their acts, achievement, vision and leadership. But in the list the top most are John Francis Welch CEO of the world leading General Electric Company and Steve Job chairman of APPLE INC. I have set my leadership dream with the inspiration of John Francis, to become a leader of General Electric. As General Electric is the world's leading Multinational Company and globally known for its work, achievements, quality, customer satisfaction and its leaders. Yes, it seems like the dream, but a perfect position where you can prove your leadership skills. But achieving this goal is a life time or time taking challenge for me. Also if we talk about Welch, he joined GE in 1960 as a junior Chemical Engineer. But in 1963, in GE it happened explosion under his management department for which he was almost fired. Once he decided to leave GE because of the unsatisfactory environment and bureaucracy that he observed in GE. At that time he was persuaded by an executive of the company. Then in 1972 he was designated as Vice President and Senior Vice President in 1977, Vice Chairman in 1979 and finally in 1981 he became chairman of General Electric (Morris, 2006).

“Sometimes you … fly.” (Geiman, ND)

In my point of view, he is the best role model in present time because he has all the qualities of leader and successful person as well. When I entered in this course, I felt some motivation and hope towards keys to make my dreams true because here its planning and learning would definitely going to help me out by very aspect. Top most positions of the company basically demand leadership more than the managers, as those have to lead the company which also has influenced me more for leadership development program for my own self.

My Goals and My Plan for My Dream

Seeing dream is not hard, but to achieve it and make it true is the real thing. For this there should be plan and strategy to pass the hurdles and wave your success flag on reaching the destiny. In our dreams and destiny hurdles include that anyone may face trouble, difficulties and tough challenges in his journey and the flag is others talking about his success and achievements. I also want in my life a time when people talk about my success of my dream and they follow me and my steps as a leader. Of course, to set goal is not an easy task but it is compulsory step. Setting goals have been termed as SMART goals

Personal Leadership

Personal Leadership is the quality and ability to enjoy a objective, committed and harmonic life through individual choices and conscious. Basically a life where every goal, aim, vision and dream ...
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