Personal History Statement name Of The Writerperson

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Personal History Statement

Personal History Statement

The educational background, personal life and activities play an integral part to enthuse an individual to pursue a career and to make future decisions. Similarly, my personal life and background also have urged me to opt for goals that would present reflection of my past life and complement what I have learned. A glimpse at my background would reveal a picture that shows that I have always been very busy in doing something productive and effective. I never ever set idle. Whether it is volunteering at different communities or participating in different exchange programs, I have always been active and participated in the curricular activities with zeal and zest. This continuous attachment with the academics made me to continue this journey. Now, my motto of life is to awaken my spirit in the light of knowledge. Taking my academic journey forward and pursuing the graduate degree will undoubtedly make me stand at a position, where I would not only be qualified to pass on valuable knowledge to my respective students, but also endeavour to take them to the same position, via inculcating the acquired skills in them.

While talking about showing zeal and zest in academic career and extracurricular activities it is also equally important to mention obstacles that may shatter the confidence of students and distract them to achieve what they want. There are numerous factors that can shackle the confidence of students to continue their journey to achieve the marvels of academic career. I also came across a number of obstacles that impeded me to move on with my career. But, I am an individual who thrive on challenges. One of the problems that I have faced that is worth mentioning is financial burdens. The high fees of academic institutions came in front of me as an obstacle. In order to shed this wall that came in the way of my academic life I took the support of scholarships and awards. From the year 1996 my list of getting awards and scholarships starts and afterwards it never stopped. Availability of scholarships and awards built confidence in me and continue my walk on the road of exploration of new knowledge and information.

My academic life and educational background is a learning experience. It not only makes me aware of my strengths, weaknesses and problems but it also helped me to understand problem of others and empathize ...
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