Personal Goals In Life

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Personal Goals in Life

Personal Goals in Life


As I am approaching my graduation, various thoughts of starting a nursing career come to my mind. As a new nurse I realize that I have to think very seriously about my goals and what I want to achieve. The goals include long and short term. As each of us has decided our own careers, we have to be mature enough to realize what our goals should be and how should we pursue them. Similarly, the field of nursing has attracted me for several years. It is a pre-requisite which has to be completed before hand like all other things. Graduation in the field of nursing would be another alteration stage that should be approached and applied in the same dedication of strong will and hard work as was applied earlier.

The basic reason for that is that a nurse is first in line to care for a patient. It will be better able to connect and communicate with the patient if kept in regular contact. The nurse is the first one to look after any emergencies and attention needed for any case. It will then respond accordingly with hospital procedures and rules & regulations. Another reason for opting for becoming a nurse is that I would want to become a physician one day and when that day comes I will hopefully be having enough experience needed to perform my duties strictly and carefully.

Initially, nurses were not very well trained and due to that reason many patients lost their lives. However, today nurses are trained well enough to understand the needs of the patient and act accordingly. They are informed about the new technologies that can help their patients better by decreasing time and increasing service ability. Hospitals and clinics are able to attend to more patients on every day basis that they ever did due to this knowledge.

Another reason of my attraction towards the nursing profession would be that a nurse uses therapeutic communication and accordingly treats the patient's responded illness, whether real or perceived. This is a very spiritual approach as many would consider but it is my personal belief that healing the physical wounds or illness of a person might not do him that well as healing the person from within. For this, effective communication in a decent and calm manner is very essential as primarily a nurse could help a patient grow in a positive mind frame, rather than a negative one.

Personal Goals:

Short term:

My first personal goal is to achieve respectable grades in my graduation. This goal is specific and realistic. Currently, I am an average student but I intent to improve myself. In order to do that, I will have to devise a time table or timely plan to cope up with all the courses and figure out a technique in studying each and every one. If I study one course a day for 2 hours, I will still be able to achieve an A in most of ...
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