Personal Freedoms

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Personal Freedoms


In general, rights refer to as things which are permissible which the government as well as the people around also accepts. The basic right every individual has being a human, which can be neither created nor destroyed by the government of any state refers to as human rights. These rights generally have a concern with matters such as, freedom of life, privacy, freedom of thoughts and expressions and so forth. In United Kingdom, the prevailing law and European legislation accepts human rights as a result of pervious issues of racial and religious discrimination, which also took place in the recent years. It is the duty of every citizen to respect the rights of other people; similarly, it is also necessary for them to respect yours. The Human Rights act of 1998 enlists an entire range of rights amongst which, a few are as follows:

Rights of life.

The right to a fair trial.

Freedom of expression.

The right to respect privacy and family life of an individual.


The right to privacy is important. In a democracy, it is a concept we take for granted and it seems so obvious that it has practically ceased to be obvious. The right to privacy is not the politically correct flavor of the month. It is a fundamental human value that a former judge of the Supreme Court of Canada described as "the heart of liberty in a modern state." This is not an individual right to be enjoyed at the expense of society. Respect for privacy is an integral part of this mixture based on mutual respect that holds a free society”.


Privacy is a highly contested concept in both its meaning and its legitimacy as a constitutional right. One of the basic problems underlying the debates surrounding privacy is that it means different things to different people. The ...
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