Personal Ethical Statement

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Personal Ethical Statement

Personal Ethical Statement


Ethics is defined as the standards of behavior developed as a result of one's concept of right and wrong (Judson & Harrison, 2010 p.9). As I reflect on my up-bringing, I remember my parents teaching me the differences between what is right and wrong. As a result of this learning experience, I discovered my conscious, my inner self that tells me I have done something wrong or right. This feeling comes in the form of a nagging voice that tells you things are not as they should be and it does not get better until you make changes. As a child, my grandparents owned a pastry shop and wood yard. My grandmother made cakes, pies, bread, pastries and sold other items in their store. I learned at an early age not to bother things that did not belong to me after eating the profit from the store. I would be place on restriction or some form of corporal punishment, depending on the severity of my infraction of the rules. My family were firm believers in “Spare the Rod, Spoil the child” (Proverbs 13:24, KJB).


Going through this course has made me think of so many ways I could improve my life or how I should open my mind to more things. From talking about integrity to beliefs of others and how people react to that, I have reflected on my own ideas that I didn't even realize I had. From when I was very young and remembering how my parents raised me to treat others how I wanted to be treated which is known as the “Golden Rule” by most, has been a way of life for me. I didn't want to make others feel how I didn't want to feel and I wanted my values and ...
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