Personal Essay

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Personal Essay

Personal Essay

In our life, we came across various reading material that creates a long lasting impression on us and affects many aspects of life. It has become famous because of its controversial content. This is a personal essay that entails the analysis of the poem and shows connection to personal experience.

Everything that we do, see, write or read makes a first impression. After reading this work of Larkin, the first thing that came to my mind is feelings of the poet against his parents. At the first instant, the reading of the poem suggests that Larkin possesses grudges against his parents. The very first thing that lights up in my mind is that Larkin in this poem makes an attempt to portray the feelings of an unhappy person. He is unhappy because of the attitude of his parents. He does not like his parents. There can be few reasons that seem to urge him to possess such negative feelings for his parents. These few factors include the habit of his parents to always pointing out his faults. The line of the poem “They fill you with the faults they had, and add some extra just for you” points out the fact that the parents of the poet not only pressurize the poet to embrace their life style but they also point out some faults that the poet has. Another factors behind the poet's hatred for his parents can be, the habit of his parents to blame him for things that he never done and by forcing him to embrace old and traditional thoughts (Griff, 23).

In the process of understanding the poem, few questions were raised in my mind that should be answered here. The first question that was bothering is why his parents are doing unpleasant things to ...
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