Personal Essay

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Personal Essay

Interview Questions

The following are the questions that have been asked from Isatu Barrie to get the relevant information about her family background and medical conditions.

Describe your early childhood experiences before Multiple Sclerosis.

How old were you when your parents got divorced?

With whom did you live then?

How was the experience of living your life with your grandma and uncle?

Who supported educational spending for you and your sister?

Tell me something about your marital life?

What was the reason for your divorce?

What happened following your divorce? Did you get married again?

Was it a different experience this time around? I mean, did you get pregnant this time?

How many children do you have?

What was the reason for your visit to Africa?

When did you actually start feeling fatigue? The early symptoms'?

What was your first reaction towards your fatigue and head ache?

When were you diagnosed?

How did you feel the day you are diagnosed?

How did you learn about the disease?

What caused you to be admitted to the hospital again?

What was the status of your health this time?

Did the doctor give you any medication this time?

How does this affect your life and your family?

What is the worst thing in this illness?

Last Thoughts?

Thanks you again for sharing your personal information with me. It was a great pleasure to understand your idea about MS.


My name is Isatu Barrie. I am 42 years old and I am dealing with a disease of Multiple Sclerosis. I was diagnosed on May 15, 2008. I am married to a white man and I have one daughter who is seventeen years old. I feel very sad when I think of my childhood because that time was very difficult for me and it was not like a childhood that every child wishes to have. My parents divorced each other when I was only six years old. I also had a younger sister who was only two and half years old. We were left to stay with our uncle and grandmother. My parents married again with other partners and started having other children, so life became more difficult for my sister and me. I have experienced the difficulty to grow up without parents. Our uncle was the only one to work and pay our expenses of living because my grandmother was very old. My uncle worked hard to earn his livelihood because he had a very large family and he also had to bear our expenses. In ...
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