Personal Development Plan

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Personal Development Plan

Personal Development Plan


In this assignment the I will utilise the reflective cycle (Gibbs 1988) as a framework to review experiences from the management simulation day. In writing up this reflection, I will use both the first person and the third person (Webb 1992). The transferable skill of communication will be reviewed. The reflection will emphasise on the personal aspects of both verbal and non-verbal communication as this contributes to the quality of nursing care (Hinchiff S, Norman S, Schober J. 2003). An action plan in communication skills for my personal and professional development presented. Pseudonyms will be used to maintain anonymity and confidentiality in accordance with clause five of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Code of Professional Conduct (NMC 2002).

My personal development

Health professionals in carrying out their tasks constantly engage and disengage with their patients, without communication this relating will be almost impossible (Purtilo 1990; Hinchiff 2002). As far back as 1990, Purtilo realised that communication is extremely important for nurses as they are more likely to initiate interactions with patients in a health care setting (Hargie et al 1994; Holyoake 1998). It is through personal communications that people make their thoughts and wishes known to one another (Hargie et al 1994). Davies (1994) defines communication as an interaction where two or more people send and receive messages and in doing so both present themselves and interpret the other.

Development Plan and Practice

Mary, the team co-ordinator handed over a patient to me (Helen) who came in with falls. Helen is a 30-year-old woman who lives alone and has no past medical history of falls. On this occasion, she missed a step and fell down the stairs at her home. Neighbours heard her cries for help and called an ambulance, which took her to the hospital and Helen needed to be admitted.

During the admission interview, I introduced myself to Helen who was fully conscious and explained the complete admission process. Although she was fully conscious, she seemed very reluctant to talk to me. She was hardly answering any of my questions. I carried out a neurological assessment on her using the Glasgow coma scale. She scored 13, which supported her consciousness level. According to Lindsay et al (1991), the Glasgow coma scale is used to assess a patient's neurological abilities especially after a possible head injury. Helen was breathing independently and her observations were within the ...
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