Personal Development Plan

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Personal Development Plan

Personal Development Plan

Lester R. Bittel said “Good plans shape good decisions. That's why good planning helps to make elusive dreams come true.” A good plan helps us to stay on track with our goals, prioritize by what is the most important, and to take the appropriate steps to meet our goals and achieve that which we desire. In any field of study, and in life, having a good plan helps us to achieve our goals and to make us more successful in all of our endeavours.

I have many goals that I would like to achieve over the next five to ten years in the areas of education, career, and my personal life. Five years from now we will be entering the year of 2015. Three weeks from now I will be completing my first year at the Axia College of the University of Phoenix which puts me half way through obtaining my Associate of Arts in Elementary Education. On January 9, 2011 I will graduate from the Axia College of the University of Phoenix with my Associate of Arts in Elementary Education. After graduating with my Associate of Arts in Elementary Education I will begin looking for a paraprofessional educator job in a local elementary school so that I can gain some first hand experience in the classroom. I would like to have a better feel of what it is like to work in the classroom with elementary aged students before my first year of teaching. I feel that the benefits of working as a paraprofessional educator are important to my success as a teacher. At the end of the year of 2012 I will begin my twelve weeks of student teaching to equip me even more so in working and instructing within a classroom setting and help me to obtain my teaching certification. In January of 2013 I will graduate from the Axia College of the University of Phoenix with my Bachelor of Science in Education/Elementary Teacher Education and will begin looking for a permanent teaching position at a local elementary school working as a fifth grade teacher. Ten years from now we will be entering the year of 2020. I want to continue working as a fifth grade teacher through out this time and I want to continue my education while teaching full time. I would like to obtain my master and doctor degrees in a shorter time frame than usual so that I can work on my personal life goals that I will not be able to work on while completing my educational and career goals.

I would like to continue furthering my education through the Axia College of the University of Phoenix to get my Master of Arts in Education/Elementary Teacher Education and my Doctor of Philosophy in Higher Education Administration. I would like to have both of these completed within four years which would be in the year of 2017. I would like to continue teaching the fifth grade for ten years (the ...
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