Personal Development Plan

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Learning for Business Success through Personal Development Plan

Learning for Business Success through Personal Development Plan


The purpose of a personal development plan (PDP) is to implement a number of improvements. But the PDP is more than a plan. This is actually a contract you enter into with you and possibly your employer. You agree to take steps and actions to your personal development. For many people who are serious about success, goal setting is a must. However, many do not set goals for the area of their personal development. People normally have financial goals, health goals, career/professional goals, spiritual goals and relationship goals. However, they have no goals in regards to their personal development. This is not ideal because as you get more and more caught up in achieving your goals, you will unconsciously neglect learning & improving further. One must design a personal development plan to ensure effective development in career, education and relationships. The plan will demonstrate an evaluation of an individual's level of skills and will identify their strength and their need for development to ensure success in their academic and professional field.


In recent years, the international community has increasingly prioritized ability building as essential to development. While a range of interventions are used to build capacity, such as policy advice, on-the-job technical assistance and mentoring schemes, training remains one of the primary tools used to achieve capacity enhancement goals. Given the limited success of many capacity development initiatives to date, there is increasing recognition of the lack of adequate evaluative tools for both measuring the success of capacity building initiatives and learning how to improve these initiatives. As was noted by Whyte in a landscape review of donor trends in capacity building, donors have paid considerably less attention to monitoring and evaluating their capacity development support than to evaluating other types of programming. This omission has been attributed in part to the lack of evaluative tools that can accurately assess the contribution of any one intervention to capacity building goals. There are several processes required to implement the personal development plan. Each of them has their own value because of the different factors related to the concept of personal development plan.

The importance of Professional Development for the personal evaluation

The professional Development program is the program of developing skills to reach the efficient level of the productivity. Professional development is important for the person whether he is employed or not? It is essential for every individual and the professional organization to enhance the skills, and knowledge for their personal betterment. These individuals must try to improve the quality of performance. The tendency to simplify organizational structures, mean that the professional success no longer be defined in terms of promotion because many will not be possible. Companies must make it clear to their workers that there are other ways of developing training (job rotation, lateral movement) which are signs of improving professional rather than failure. (Elbaz, 1988, ...
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