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The Masters Skills Personal Development Plan

The Masters Skills Personal Development Plan

There are different motivations that can push a person to want to do a Masters. One of the most important motivation is to have a direct and substantial interest to deepen a given field. It is important not to lose sight of that specialization becomes more pointed at the graduate level and can be very difficult to work on a research topic or to undertake a supervised project for which I more or less interest. I might therefore be tempted to change the subject or project, subsequently increasing the risk of completely abandon your studies.

Another motivation is obvious to a master to access careers requiring advanced knowledge. Some areas of management are known for their propensity to favor candidates with a master: the consultation, some careers in finance including financial engineering, strategic analysis and economics (Charlier, Brown & Rynes, 2011). One may want to pursue higher education to ensure better pay. Indeed, several studies show that workers with a graduate degree earn on average higher wages than those in bachelor.

While a graduate degree is not necessarily required for access to entry-level positions, it may be a significant advantage with a view to career advancement. Indeed, a graduate will sometimes be required for access to senior management for example (Ieva, Ohrt, Swank & Young, 2009). Finally, another good reason to undertake a Master is that it can help I possibly make a career change. If, after several years of work in a given field, I happened to want to change careers, it would appear appropriate to return to complete a master's program in the new career field I are targeting.

The dissertation is an exercise to learn to write technical documentation of good quality and large. This is another learning that can be of considerable benefit in several types of employment. Whether it's difficult, it depends on your writing skills. Certainly have a good French is helpful. Be autonomous and enjoy working individually are also assets. Your research will help with the writing and I can follow his advice. This is an experience that can be very rewarding (King, 2011). Some years ago the possibility of taking a master's degree is seen as something distant that few had access. Today the labor market is saturated and increasingly values ??specialization of the worker in a given domain.

The masters are one of the best vehicles to achieve this specific training (King, 2011). Many companies highly value such securities at the time of hiring and some already consider the master as insurance that helps to overcome the crisis. The tendency of academics to the mastering and the numerous calls for grants and subsidies have led to increased enrollments (Charlier, Brown & Rynes, 2011). Undergraduate and graduate programs offer more general theme and show an overview of the subject. A master, by contrast, focuses on a specific area by training specialists who are more likely to find work and access to a senior job ...
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