Personal Development

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Personal Development Plan: Goals, Strategies and Implementation

Table of Contents



My Personal Development Goals1

Preferred Learning Style2

Methods and Learning Styles for Implementing Plans2

Progress towards Goals3

Time Management Skills3

Communication Skills3

Problem Solving Skills4

Skills, Activities, Resources and Obstacles4

Changes after Feedback6

In-Depth Holistic Evaluation of Plan Implementation on Learning and Development7



Appendix 1 - Bibliography9

Appendix 2 - The Personal Development Log Sheet10

Appendix 3 - A Hard Copy of Oral Presentation Materials11

Personal Development Plan: Goals, Strategies and Implementation



After evaluating my personality through Personal SWOT analysis and Self assessment, I have learnt that I am aware about myself i.e., I have scored high at self awareness. I have learnt that I am sensitive individual, and I also have a trait of openness. I like to initiate when I meet with a new person. I am an open and friendly person and; therefore everyone feels ease when he/she wants to approach me. I have very strong skills in utilizing ICTs (Information and Communication technologies), which has also helped me in my learning. I have developed this skill through using technology, sharing information and group presentations (Martin 2002, pp.67).

I have also developed personal development skills, such as planning and time management and it has helped me in enhancing my performance. I have developed a habit of meeting time commitments, which has fostered value of time in my life. I also schedule my assignment to meet deadlines effectively. Planning, organizing and completing course assignments have provided me with vital insights into the world of business. Group assignments and social belonging improved my critical thinking and analysis ability (Aubrey 2010, pp.45). In order to develop myself further, I have identified few goals.

My Personal Development Goals

Time Management Skills (Planning, Scheduling and Efficiency)

Problem Solving Skills (Analyzing and Cognitive Ability)

Communication Skills (Public Speaking and Confidence)

Preferred Learning Style

My preferred learning style is experimental learning, which process is presented in four basic modes (Levinson 1978, pp.91).

Concrete Experience (Feeling)

Reflective Observation (Watching)

Abstract Conceptualization (Thinking)

Active Experimentation (Doing)

The learning style methodology is based on responding to a questionnaire. Once you answer all eighty questions, all answers are evaluated to define one's preferred learning style. My response showed that I was a reflector. I care of other people and; therefore, I scored high on feelings related questions. I collected data from different sources before jumping to the conclusion.

Many times I made delayed decisions due to my habit of considering a lot of things at a time. Whenever I face a problem, I tend to get confused and start to think about different solutions and possible consequences before taking a decision.

Methods and Learning Styles for Implementing Plans

My preferred learning style is through individual development design. This individual development method is a process, which starts from self evaluation. Once I identified my strengths and weaknesses, I was able to develop some short-term personal goals. These goals were aligned with some activities, which are illustrated in my personal development log. I also set some strategies to achieve these goals. Undertaking activities to achieve these goals helped in developing in some professional skills including Time management ...
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