Personal Communication Skills

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Personal communication forms an integral part of our daily lives. Whether an individual is making a conversation with the family or friends or is engaged in social communication personal communication plays a vital role in transferring the information which we are trying to communicate (Gadbois & Helicopters, 2009). When conducting business transactions you needed to communicate effectively in order to create an impression on the other party and to maintain a positive relation with them. People who have excellent communication skills are always able to take the lead in any sphere of life and excel it. Due to the effectiveness of their communication skills they are able to make a point out of any argument, discussion and prove it with their strong communication skills which involve usage of words, tone and expressions. Effective communication helps in communicating view point clearly and effectively across the audience.

When I am communicating with the people who are fiends to me or in front of my family, my communication skills are excellent. The excellence of communication skills is directly attributed to the fact that I have been communicating with them since a long time and I know how they react to certain communication. The primary problem occurs when I have been communicating in the business arena. Communication gaps occur when people communicate in the business arena and it has been noticed that due to communication gaps the original topic which has been communicated fails to get interpreted which leads to ineffectiveness and inefficiency.

In the professional field communicating with the people who are my colleagues or at lower rank than me is relatively easier as compared to communicating with the people at the higher rank. People at higher rank usually interpret your communication critically and may involve some harsh replies ...
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