Personal Communication Skills

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Personal Communication Skills

Personal Communication Skills


Interpersonal communication or personal communication skills are the most important form of communication for humans. From an early start to join it as one of the first relationships we build is affective (caregivers) and although at the beginning of our lives, we do not have a structured language nonverbal communication allows us to establish these first relationships interpersonal, recounting our lives we may find that the most important moments of our existence, from the most important decisions of our life (even some not-so-) rotate around a dialogue, some personal influence (Foss, Pp.512-599).

Interpersonal communication is not only a dimension of human life, but the dimension through which we as humans do. If a person does not maintain relationships, it threatens their quality of life." According to some authors, the principles of interpersonal communication are: "People communicate because that communication is necessary for psychological well-being. Communication is not only a human need but a means to satisfy many. Interpersonal communication skills should not be measured solely by the degree to which community behavior helps to satisfy its individual needs, but also by the degree to provide the other the satisfaction of their own. “Interpersonal relationships are hence, a key issue in our lives, functioning not only as a means to achieve objectives, but as an end in it. So it should be clear that the promotion of interpersonal relationships is not an optional task or may be left to chance (Harris, Pp.45-59).

Discussion and Analysis

My Personal Communication Skills as a Manager

Effective communication is stressed in management and is one essential skill that is required in managers. One main element of effective communication for managers is listening. Listening is an important as speaking. Managers should possess effective speaking skills, but should have listening skills as well because it leads to good decision making. Misunderstanding can cause a huge problem for the manager and his sub-ordinates. Poor listening can affect the business and the profitability of a business can suffer due to this. Managers should make sure that misunderstandings do not occur (Palmer, Pp.45-69). Usually the managers have an attitude that they don't care about what others are saying, be it an employee or a customer. They only care about what they say and want things done in their way. This attitude should be changed because it damages the manager's own image and harms others, as well.

Importance of Listening

Effective communication is an important tool for doing business, and a fundamental element of effective communication is listening. As a manger, I should possess the listening skills that can be effective for me as manager and for the business as whole. If I am successful with this, then only I will be known as good managers (Rees & Porter, 2008). The importance of listening skills for managers falls into two categories, which are explained in detail below:

Listening to Customers

Managers should make sure that they listen to customers so that they can improve their products and services. Listening and obtaining feedback from customers helps ...
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