Personal Assessment

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Personal Assessment

Personal Assessment

The reflective nature of personal development planning (PDP) is of increasing importance in higher education, and is recognized by employers as an indicator of an individual who is capable of learning from experiences. Edwards (2005) reporting on feedback from employers of graduates, said that engaging in the process of reflection is just as important as the resulting portfolio of evidence. So an ability to reflect on the experience of the learning activity is just as important as achievement of the actual product of the learning (Prichard et al. 2006: pp. 256-265).

Section 1 - Personal Development Plan

Personal Development Plan


Covering the period from:


My Goals: Where do I want to be by the end of this period?

What do I want/need to learn?

What will I do to achieve this?

What resources or support will I need?

What will my success criteria be?

Target dates for review and completion.

How have I chosen these dates?

IT skills

Designing learning activities that provide suitable experiences for developing the recognized employability IT skills

The learning and teaching strategy that focuses on a series of keynote lecturers, seminars, workshops and tutorials supplemented with formative assessments throughout via on-line assessments and Personal Tutor feedback. The learning can also include support for assessment elements from concurrent modules, including; report writing, referencing, plagiarism, presentations integrated within the portfolio assessment elements and Personal Development Planning (PDP).

A weekly lecture and a seminar on a fortnightly basis must be planned.

The evaluation questionnaire must be prepared to be completed as part of the ongoing quality assurance method. This questionnaire must consist of a number of questions relating to satisfaction with the administration, communication with-in the module and support from tutors, library and technical provision.

It will take approximately seven to eight months starting from 1st January to 30th July, 2012.

The dates are selected with the aim of not only learning , but implementing all skills related to technology that will include use of MS word, Excel, PP, CV, Cover Letter, and different software used by companies for work.

Improvement in Memory

The best thing that can be done for improving the level of remembrance of a person is through diet. Basically, the kind that's also healthy for the rest of body -- a well-balanced diet, filled with whole grains, a wide variety of colorful fresh fruits and Vegetables, and moderate amounts of protein that supplies just enough calories to fuel daily activities. That diet should also include some fat, but not just any kind of fat: A diet that is healthy for cell membranes, including the cells in the brain, appears to be one that includes monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats that are high in omega-3 fatty acids rather than saturated fats.

A brain-healthy, memory-wise diet.

Taking a few moments after initial reading to stop and mentally quiz yourself about what you have just read is the essential first step to remembering the material later.

Healthy diet must be an ongoing process regardless of assigned dates because it is not a session that will end up after few days or ...
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