Personal And Professional Development

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Personal and Professional Development


T1 = LO12

1.1Personal Values in health and Social Care Settings2

1.2Affect of personal culture and experience3

1.3Affect of current legislations and policies on personal values and beliefs5


T2 =LO28

Personal Development plan8

Approaches to Self Management Learning8

Ways of encouraging Lifelong learning and professional contexts9

Result of Self Assessment Learning Style Questionnaires10

Audit of Skills10

Benefits of Self-Managed Learning to the Individual and Organization11

Evaluation of Own skills and competencies13

Professional skills required to attain strategic objectives14

Identification of development needs14

Identification of development opportunities15


T4 = LO319

Existing Professional Relationships19

Medical and Social Models20

Personal Effectiveness and Role of the Organization21


Personal and Professional Development

T1 = LO1

1.1Personal Values in health and Social Care Settings

Values are referred to as the principles, standards and specific set of qualities that are carried forward by an individual in the profession of care and social work. Attitudes, vales, and beliefs can be easily judged by one's behavior and professional conduct. The attitudes can hardly be changed if someone works in health and social care settings. The vales related to health can social care settings must include the following factors:

Anti discrimination: It refers to the practice of not judging others on the basis of culture, race, religion, age, gender etc.

Privacy: Every patient or client in social and health care settings has a right to confidentiality i.e. they can decide themselves that who shall have access to their information.

Individual's preferences and choices: every human being has distinctive beliefs, values, cultural, political, religious and sexual beliefs choices. The care giver and social worker must respect each others' preferences and choices.

Successful communication: the social worker or care giver must establish a effective platform to communicate in various ways with clients or patients. It could be verbal or non verbal. However, one's social and cultural aspects have a significant impact on the communication between these two forces.

(Clarke, 2002, p. 54)

It is the one of the most important and urgent duty of a care worker to help out and look after the patient going through any sick or unfavorable condition. In addition to it, the health care organization must also understand the degree to which caregiver or social worker's personal values and beliefs shall affect his duty and responsibilities while taking care of patients and co-workers. The service user in the given scenario is suffering from an infectious disease. Therefore, this disease may have certain probability of spreading from one person to another. It is to notify that I, as a social and health care worker am held responsible for taking care of the aforementioned service user. However, I understand that it is one of the biggest responsibilities of a health and social care worker to provide honest services to users. But, I have some concerns that may hinder my duties accordingly. This infectious disease may affect my small children at home as the social care worker shall be staying at my place. In addition to it, I strictly follow my religion and believe in maintaining pious environment around my residence and place of worship. Therefore, it may become very difficult for ...
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