Personal And Organizational Leadership

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Personal and Organizational Leadership

Principles of Personal and Organizational Leadership

Part 1: Of the three leadership styles (authoritarian, democratic, and laissez-faire), what style comes easiest for you? Describe how people respond to you when you use this style. Now think about a current or past supervisor, what was their leadership style? Was it effective? Explain your rationale.

Part 1

My Leadership Style

Of the three leadership styles (authoritarian, democratic, and laissez-faire), I find myself being a democratic leader as I try to help my subordinates in figuring out how they can approach a task. I believe on my past experiences that my subordinates can turn up with better performance, if they are granted autonomy and freedom at workplace with proper coaching and guidance. I recognize selfworth and esteem of each person. I show concern and consideration for others by empathetic understanding. I try that my actions are based upon trust, honesty, integrity, openness, equality, and mutual respect.

My Supervisor's Leadership Style

One of my past supervisor demonstrated laissez-faire style of leadership as he believed on complete freedom of his subordinates. However, sometimes, productivity and success was hindered because of this leadership style as what we accomplished was only up to us and there were certain situations which we had never come across and as a result, we had to confront failure in those tasks.

Part 2: Describe your own style in relation to task and relationship orientations? What are your strengths and weaknesses? How can you improve?

Part 2

In relation to task and relationship orientations, my style is more relationship oriented than task- oriented. My strength is that I concern myself more people relationships because I believe that when human factors are valued then tasks are usually accomplished more effectively. I maintain friendly, close and warm relationships with my co-workers and I trust and support them openly. However, on the other side, my weakness is that I am very firm and often do not explain myself or the set goals which is a major drawback as it hinders the performance of tasks by my co- workers and sub- ordinates. Leadership focuses on achievement; it is concerned with directing individuals toward set objectives or goals. I can improve this shortcoming by defining the goals more clearly to my subordinates so that tasks can be performed more efficiently.

Part 3

The Leadership Skills Questionnaire is designed for the measurement of three broad types of leadership skills (administrative, interpersonal, and conceptual). I got 24 in administrative skills, 16 in interpersonal and 25 in conceptual which imply that my administrative and conceptual skills are in high range, whereas my interpersonal skills are moderate. A major role is played by administrative, interpersonal, and conceptual skills in effective leadership. I need to put extra attention on my interpersonal skills through hard work and practice to become better leader in the future.

Part 4

Stephen Covey (1991) contended that effective leaders "begin with the end in mind" as their goals and mission in life are deeply understood by these leaders. The purpose of my life is to serve ...
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