Personal And Organizational Development

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Personal and Organizational Development

Personal and Organizational Development

Table of Contents

Career Plan3

Recruitment and Selection Techniques6

Recruitment at “ENVIROFREE SDN BHD”7

Personality Testing10

General Reasoning Test12

Graduate Reasoning Test12

Structured Interviews14

Unstructured Interview15

Telephone Interviews15

Informal Meetings16

Work Samples17

Mental Testing18

Self Evaluation19

Learning Styles23


External direction24

Working with others24

Physical factors24

Global or Serial25

Honey and Mumford Learning Types25





Self Assessment27

Personal Learning Style27

Strengths & Opportunities29

Opportunities for Growth and Strategies30

Communication Style31


Personal and Organizational Development

Career Plan

After all these years in school, I've come to discover that I am a math nerd and definitely plan to pursue a career involving numbers. My past Chemistry, Algebra and Pre-Calculus classes have helped me come to this discovery. In the future I plan to find a lot more information on different careers to find out what I really want to be.

My first career choice is to become a chemical engineer. Recently I've been talking to my guidance counsellor and asking what careers would interest me due to my great fascination for math. I added that I also enjoy the work done in my chemistry class, such as stoichio-metry and balancing equations. Her first suggestion was obviously to be a chemical engineer. Before this discussion with my guidance counsellor, I never put two and two together to realize that my own Uncle Keith is a chemical engineer himself. I have seen him in the past working on things for work and saw the math that was involved but never knew that's what he did for a living. Chemical Engineers are often intimately involved in research and development, process engineering, and product development. A typical situation that a Chemical Engineer may be put in may be something like finding a way to manufacture a chemical developed in the laboratory at larger scales. The significant feature about Chemical Engineers is that they are employed in a range of industries including petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, bioengineering, pulp and paper products, ceramics, specialty chemicals, and electronics. They can also enter medicine, business, and law. That means possible careers could range from working for NASA to engineering the world's best cosmetics, which I think is pretty cool. In view of their lack of females in this field, women engineers are in demand and therefore receive better earning potential.

I plan to study at the Ohio State University for several reasons. First of all, attending and graduating from OSU is beginning to become somewhat of a family tradition. My cousins Jake, Tiffany, and Lindsey have all graduated from there and my cousin Matthew is still attending and plans to graduate next year. Second of all, Ohio State University is known its outstanding school of engineering and I desire to get the best knowledge I can for my preferred career choice. And lastly, OSU is just far enough to get away from home, but just close enough to keep close touch with family and come back when my laundry needs done, of course.

I haven't done much yet to prepare for this career and there's not much more to do, but I'm on my way. So far, in school, I have taken Algebra II Honours, Pre-Calculus Honours, ...
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