Personal And Managerial Effectiveness

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Personal and Managerial Effectiveness

Personal and Managerial Effectiveness


The world is changing constantly. Major changes are also visible in the labor market. Specialists in human resource management are agreed that in the twenty-first century people, which is the key resource of any organization, with their knowledge and skills, will be treated as the intellectual capital of the company and the same will be decisive for its success.

The man at twenty-first century will have to be prepared to cope with the high level of professional uncertainty, which will be the most effective way of learning and continually learn new skills. Everyone economically active will have to face continuous changes and challenges that will affect his personal and professional life. These changes and challenges will either restrict its development, or will be an opportunity for a great, controlled the path of development. Win those who take conscious, thoughtful decisions about their career development, and development effort of his personality and professional skills.

Career development is now closely associated with the conscious use of their own “market talents and skills”, which assume the change in the horizontal, and not only, as it did in the past, vertical climb up the career ladder (where the fall is sometimes very painful) .

In this paper, we will try to explain how a person consciously creates his future career as a marketing instrument, and more. The tools used in Creating Career Marketing, to help those who are interested in self-development, the skills of “managing self-change.” Many of us spend years in our training and spent most of our lives working, but we're not sure if our career path is right. Advances and past job changes are usually a result of chance and luck, with little evidence of a real planning or guidance from us.

Literature Review

The term “Person Centered Planning” refers to two meanings other person in relation to the term: first, as noted, is refers to an individualized planning methodology is from the viewpoint of the person whose life help you plan, since their interests, their dreams, their views, their freedom .... But on the other hand, refers to the idea that what we have to focus is on being a person. In this latter sense, PCP is a type whose function is to support the development of the person as a person, in other words, is the essential tool to help live a full human life in the sense of a life that if all of the essential dimensions of human being.

It is common for people to choose and pursue his career pathways from the back. Approach a general occupation, often based on the careers of important references (teachers, parents, siblings, etc..). And/or by the potential in terms of monetary compensation and prestige. Then the person can determine which would specialize, probably related to past or current situations. Then the individual can be oriented in a particular task. Finally, the “career planning” can determine what skills, attitudes, values, ...
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