Person Health And Wellbeing

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Person Health and Wellbeing

Person Health and Wellbeing

From past several decades American people and government are fighting against the childhood obesity, and unfortunately it is the most dramatically growing problem of the society. Researchers have started observing the root causes and their solution. This problem is mostly found in childhood, and then grows with the age of the person. This problem has various affects in several forms. Childhood obesity disturbs children socially and psychologically. Parents of child with obese have become worried and depressed because of their children health. Is a child is equal or more than 95th percentile in their Body Mass Index they fall under the obesity problem. Researchers have found that children spent most of their time in schools after their homes. School is the place where children's eating habit is established and gradually it becomes their need.

Schools are responsible for student's physical activity and health. A part from education, schools must take responsibility of physical fitness. The following research investigates how schools can develop their plans and activities to control the childhood obesity. The research has used the secondary data to find what a school is doing and can do to overcome or reduce this problem. Accepting the medical and genetic reasons of childhood obesity, but there are some children who develop their eating habit, which results obesity (Killoran, 2005).

School management can help and control childhood obesity by imparting healthy food in cafeteria, and indulging them in physical activities. The role of school health screening programs in terms of overcoming the childhood obesity is vital. It encourages the school community in the development of behaviors and attitudes and practice-oriented health maintenance as an individual good, social and cultural. Contribute to the prevention and early detection of risks and health problems affecting development and learning of pupils. Similarly, it help the schools to promote the school and its environment. Monitoring and Evaluation patterns are developed by the schools to monitor the health and wellbeing in children attending primary school through the development of monitoring instruments, systematic monitoring, and evaluation and through the development of research and evaluation projects (Lawrence, 2007).

To answer this question, it is important to highlight the many problems associated with lack of physical activity in children. The change in lifestyle such as children spending many hours sitting in front of the television and computers, going to school in vans and cars and other such activities have given rise to a sedentary lifestyle. It is because of this sedentary lifestyle that many children are overweight and obese.

Schools are an optimal setting for health promotion because large and diverse populations can be reached, and schools can target both physical activity and nutrition, two components essential for learning healthy behaviors and preventing obesity. Students spend the majority of their day in school, and often consume up to 40% of their daily basic food group intake in the school setting. Providing ample time for physical activity and offering nutritious foods in the cafeteria are two approaches to ...
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