Persepolis By Marijane Satrapi

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Persepolis by Marijane Satrapi

Persepolis by Marijane Satrapi

Thesis Statement

“They insulted me. They said that women like me should be pushed up against a wall and beaten. And then thrown in the garbage. ...And that if I didn't want that to happen, I should wear the veil...” (Persepolis, 74) which depicts the idea that with the Islamic Revolution, the women were asked to cover themselves properly else they were a victim of brutal treatment.


With the fundamentalist revolution of the Islamic regime in 1979, the nature of the people altered. Women were asked to wear veil which was considered to be the snatching away of individuality of women. The fundamentalists thought that the women who do not give up their individuality must be beaten.

Persepolis is basically a graphic novel and it describes the story of the author and explains about her childhood which was spent mostly in Tehran, Iran especially in the context of Iranian Revolution that took place in 1979. The following paper describes the concept of veil in Islamic culture and how it affected the westerners largely.


The Veil

The part of veil has a very strong impact on the early life of Marijane and it had influenced her life in a number of different ways at different points. even though her view of all the things around her had developed and changed a lot as she had grown, but her views related to the concept of veil had always been rather confusing and vague. Marijane is the main character of this novel. The whole story revolves around her and her experiences since childhood. The novel has been told from the perspective of Marijane.

The book is actually a kind of narrative of the life of Marijane when she was only six years old till the age of fourteen years. The medium that has been used in this novel for telling the story is almost as important and crucial as the story of this graphic novel itself. As a child in school, she was required to wear veil, and she was glad about it since deep down she was a religious person, but since her family was rather modern and it did not matter that much to them, therefore she was always in a state of confusion as far as the importance of veil in her life was concerned. Throughout the book, the role of veil and its importance has been ...