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Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi

Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi


Marjane Satrapi's 'Persepolis' is not only a graphic novel but an autobiographical account of the development of Marjane. The two volume book has received wide acclamation, much praise and many awards for the effective dealing of issues that were otherwise too serious. The book presents the account of her growing up in Iran during the Islamic Revolution. The overthrowing of the Shah regime, the political repression and the effects and cost of the Iraq-Iran war also part of the graphic book. The author paints the life she experienced in Iran and the conflicts and contradictions she saw in her surroundings. The story is at one hand personal while at the same time it is also political. It presents the conflicts that she saw in her life in Iran including the personal as well as political conflicts that she encountered.


The author tells her tale in the form of a graphic novel with very simple yet captivating and touching drawings. These black and white drawings, despite being so simple, help in the portrayal of numerous events and issues that are otherwise disturbing and difficult moments of life. A memoir of growing up of a girl in Iran, where revolutions and conflicts were taking place, the story has acquired a unique place because of the way it has dealt with these issues in the genre of a comic book.

The Story in Brief

Marjane Satrape is the daughter of well-educated, middle class parents. In the beginning of her book she recalls the way she wanted to be God's new prophet. Her parents demonstrated against the Shah and finally the Islamic revolution took place. The imprisoned family members of her family are released who narrate the tales of torture and murder. Things then start to go bad and the co-educational French school the author was studying in was shut down. She then has to join an Islamic girl's school while women had to veil themselves in public. Alcohol and other Western objects are forbidden (

Then the war with Iraq begins and the consequences, difficulties and domestic ramifications of that war are told by the author. The place where she lived i.e. Tehran became a target for bombing and missiles. In the second memoir we find the details about the time she leaves Iran and go to Vienna to get education. Because of her rebellious nature, she constantly indulges in activities that were not tolerable for schools and resultantly was expelled many times from schools. She wears jewellery to school which was not allowed, and refuses to follow the customs and rules of school. It is the kind of risky activities that she takes up in her early teen years that make her parents to decide to send her away from them to get education.

In Vienna, she has to encounter many hardships alone since she was far away from her family and friends. Since she was herself an outsider, she is able to make friends with a group of outsiders ...
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