Persecution Of Christians In Sudan Africa

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Persecution of Christians in Sudan Africa




Chapter 1: Background of the Study1

Scope of the Study1

Concepts & Definitions1

Chapter 2: Literature Review4


Theoretical Framework6

Problem Statement7

Proposed Aims and Objectives7

Significance of the Study8

Purpose of the Study9

Research Questions9

Chapter 3: Supports of Western Missionaries to Christians in Sudan19

Support of Western Missionaries to Christians in Sudan19

Role of the Good Samaritan ICC in Preventing Religious Persecution20

Chapter 4: International Human Rights Organizations21

Reaction of International Human Rights21

Human Rights Organization21

Human Rights Watch22

Defending Christians in Sudan22

Chapter 5: Discussion24

International Concern24

Chapter 6: Conclusion27



Persecution of a religious group (minorities) particular Christians; institutionally and physically have become very common in Sudan. The situation has turned even worse with the passage of time. Several actions and discrimination behavior of Muslim Extremist could be seen, but Anti-blasphemy Regulations have proved the Muslim extremist a right to target and exercise severe injustices against Sudanese Christians. False charges and fabrication of profanity case are very obvious to threaten and attack Christians, sometimes the entire groups. Deciding personal grudge is a lot found as the purpose behind anti non-Muslim (Christian) propaganda and also to seek political popularity. Extreme violence, loss of life charges and extra-judicial murders in the recent years has initiated tremendous disputes around the law at home and overseas. And this Extreme violation of Christian (minority) rights is justified as “protecting Islam”. However, what Christians and other religious minorities face are not just unplanned or isolated actions of cruelty and intolerance.


(CDN) Compass Direct News

(ECS) Episcopal Church of the Sudan

(HRO) Human Right Organization

(ICC) International Christian Concern

(INC) Interim National Constitution

(MRGI) Minority Rights Group International

(RFS) Religious Freedom Series

(SCC) Sudan Council of Churches

(WWL) World Watch List

Chapter 1: Background of the Study

Scope of the Study

As the majority of Christians live in Khartoum; the capital of Sudan hence most acts of persecution often occur in the city. The study would be restricted to the city of Khartoum. Moreover, researcher should limit the study to the persecution of Christians on the basis of religion as it has turned to be the powerful instrument of persecution.

Political, legal and theological factors of Christian-Muslim affairs and disputes serve as the source of my information. However, the cases of assault and disputes, particularly in relation to persecution, are extracted from e-libraries and websites as this is complex and restricted study is available. Examine of select governmental and spiritual talks, texts, feedback and speeches, constituting' and naturalizing' the major discussion, considerably function.

Concepts & Definitions


It is defined as an act of persecuting, harassed, or annoyed, especially those who differ in religion, or social outlook.


A person who belongs to the Church of Christ and believes in the teachings of Jesus Christ.


A religious mission on whom an individual sent, especially one sent overseas to promote Christianity.


In general it means the path' or the way,' but theoretically it is an Islamic Law. Muslims believe that Shariah consists of Quran teachings and Sunnah of the holy Prophet Muhammad. Additional resources such as Ijama and Qiyas are also part of Sharia Law, in the situation in which an issue or problem is either not comprised or not clearly ...
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