Performance Measurement

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Performance Measurement

Performance Measurement

Performance Measurement

Health care Organizations should be adopting all measures to increase the performance of the services and increase the outputs at any level of organization. For example, company is conducting training sessions to improve the knowledge and skills of its employees, using the feasible policies for the employees and providing the best environment for its employees. As a result, the company is getting the best result and output in terms of individual, group and organizational level. The company has adopted the best strategies to support its performance and to develop congruence with the outputs (Baxter, 2000).


Performance Standards

Evaluation requires performance standards, which are the parameters that allow more objective measures. They are arising directly from the analysis of positions, which brings relief specific performance standards by analyzing the work. Based on the responsibilities and duties in the description of the position, the analyst can decide which items are essential and should be evaluated in all cases. In the absence of this information, the standards may be developed from direct observations on the position or direct talks with the immediate supervisor.

Performance Measures

Rating systems are out of work. Should be user friendly, reliable and qualify to be essential elements that determine performance. Performance observations can be carried out directly or indirectly. In general, indirect observations (written tests, simulations) are less reliable because they evaluate scenarios.

Selection of Measure

Objective measures of performance are those that are verifiable by others. In general, objective measures tend to be quantitative in nature. They are based on aspects such as the number of units produced, the number of defective units, rate of savings of materials, quantity sold in financial terms or any other aspect that can be expressed in a mathematically precise. Subjective measures are not verifiable qualifications that can be considered opinions of the evaluator. When subjective measures are also indirect, low degree of accuracy is even more.

Challenges in Creating Committees

Developing Vision

The foundation of a vision is reality. Develop an explanation of reality by creating a vision statement. The explanation of reality must describe the real situation, the process leading to that vision and the price you pay to get to realize it. Vision is necessary for any organization as it inspires and creates passion among the people (Lavigna, 2004).

Forming Relationships

Communicating, the socializing art is also a relation talent. Relations formulate from fine group and interpersonal communicating abilities, but relationship abilities go even deep as well. The leader who is efficient in dealing with the issues of individuals, can begin and grow the relations with his employees, has an advantage of a fine and outstanding leadership. Such a leader can easily form a team and accomplish remarkable outcomes. This leadership type is not established on the power of position but on the personal ability. Forming and maintaining a relationship is an ideal quality of a leader.

Decision Making

People of different background see issues differently and have different thinking, styles, values, needs and experiences. Urgent decisions are to be made quickly, and one or two people ...
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