Performance Management And Feedbacks

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Performance Management and Feedbacks

Performance Management and Feedbacks


Employee performance is the backbone for any organization to lead its way to success or downfall. This critical aspect is well maintained and balanced with the help of managers implementing an effective and efficient performance management system. The purpose of this paper is to discuss in depth the concept of performance management systems and at the same time highlight the concept of 360 degree feedback along with a review on negative and positive feedbacks given to the employees.

Performance Management Systems

The performance has to companies in recent years become increasingly important. Among them is the most efficient in the literature that understood the relationship between use of resources and goal achievement. The reason for the growing importance of performance is the ongoing globalization, the increased intensity of competition, ever shorter innovation cycles and the growing influence of shareholders on the organizations. It is important that a company's performance in all relevant areas will be reviewed with a view to achieving its objective. In the past, those criticisms have been raised that systems are past-oriented financial and corporate management to. This has meant that these systems were expanded to include non-monetary information.

The measurement of success or the performance measurement has to control the goal of strategic implementation processes with non-monetary indicators. Performance denotes the weighted contribution of individuals or groups of employees and external groups, such as suppliers, to achieve the corporate goals. Most performance measurement is made on the requirement to include multi-dimensional, non-monetary indicators in the corporate management. There is a distinction between performance evaluation and performance management. While performance measurement in the strict sense only comprises measuring the performance, it involves in terms of management and the planning, control and monitoring of employee performance.

We can say performance management includes the management of the stages and components of system performance. Usually starts with the definition of the objectives of both business and personal alignment with the strategic plan, we review the half year to monitor progress and make necessary adjustments and finally closes the cycle with the assessment year-end. The components can highlight different types of feedback, types of measurement indicators, variations in the interview feedback etc. The management process includes also the relationship with other systems such as selection, compensation, training, recognition, talent, and other similar features.

Depending on the development of people management in the company's performance evaluation process can be accompanied by a parallel and complementary process called personal development process, totally focused on developing personal skills in preparation to take on challenges greater challenge. Ultimately this is a contribution to employee development as a human being that positively impacts the organization, society, and family environment are amicable. Performance evaluation makes specific emphasis on the variables to be measured, how to measure them, how to develop and enhance them, as well as how to promote them from an organizational perspective.

Types of Performance Management Systems

Performance measurement systems are managers or business models to evaluate performance are measured against a set ...
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