Performance Management

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Performance Management

Performance Management


Performance management system in an organization helps enhances performance of functions to be more productive and effective by encouraging their employees and staff to improve and learn and constantly motivate them to change their key behavior essential for future performance. Several researchers in management literature have examined that key performance indicator for any organization is to improve feedback system of employees (Helm et al, 2007, p12). However, there are some authors who claim that only positive feedback ensures motivation and consistent performance of employees while negative feedback would reduce performance significantly (Boudreau & Ramstad, 2006, p77).

Organizations today are realizing importance of improving their performance system by constantly assessing its weaknesses and strengths, which does what and when in system, how employees of an organization take initiatives to contribute in this system and finally understanding situations where feedback improves the performance of employees rather than diminishes (Tung, Baird & Schoch, 2011, p34). The objective of this assignment is to analyze the problem in store and the number of challenges a manager has been facing in the store.


Current store management system have well-developed and strong performance management system which encourage higher management and employers to communicate with ease regarding their expectations of performance. Researchers examined that by addressing the job description and job specification, the employers would able to clarify the performance standards and expectations (de Waal, Kourtit & Nijkamp, 2009, p56). Thus, current store management system has well-defined job descriptions and job specifications which mark its strength in performance management system.

Performance standards are another strength which is core part of performance management system of store management system. Every employee from top to bottom is communicated regarding how he will be evaluated and which standards he needs to maintain on every job responsibility and tasks. This is be done by providing them strict, clear and specific guidelines regarding performance standards (Mei-I Cheng, Dainty & Moore, 2007, p45).

Leadership plays an important role in performance management systems. However, store management system lacks in providing leadership training to employees from top management. This constitutes one of weaknesses of company as most of fundamental issues such as company's objective, goals and mission remain unaddressed which creates great confusion among employees (Helm et al, 2007, p87).

Current store management system also lack in incorporating self-evaluation in their performance systems. Self-evaluation is widely discussed by researchers in their study and found that 80% of performance can be improved if every employee becomes capable of assessing its performance against job duties, achievements, and performance throughout whole year (Samarakone, 2010, p97).

Performance Appraisals Systems

The performance appraisals systems have been conducted annually in company by top management which gives recognition and promotion to its prospective employees. However, the company has also regular performance evaluation which evaluates the employees' feedback and their contribution in improving performance systems (Bourne, 2005, p2).

The employees at company provide improvement suggestions and recommendations to top management by addressing current ...
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