Performance Management

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Performance Management

Performance Management


The purpose behind this paper is to understand the concept of performance management and identify the importance of implementing performance management systems; some of the problems associated with the implementation and finally look into the major performance management tools used.


According to Bacal (2012) performance management can be defined as an ongoing communication process undertaken between an employee and his immediate supervisor, which encompasses on ensuring that the employee thoroughly understands the supervisors expectations, the essential features of the job and what is expected from the employee. It is also necessary to make sure that the employee understands how his job contributes towards the attainment of the organizations goals. It also helps the employee understand how the employee is performing. Performance management helps both the supervisor and the employee to further ameliorate their relationship in order to make it more profitable. How the job performance will be measured and helps identify the barriers which the employee can overcome in order to improve their performance.

Performance management systems

Organizations design and develop a performance management system which enables them to measure and contrast the performance of the employees. The performance management system is a systematic process, which helps organisations improve their overall organisational effectiveness by focusing on achieving the organisational goals and making sure that the overall performance of the organisation is aimed at achieving the overall organisational goals. The performance management system is a tool which helps organisations to implement strategies; it is useful in communicating the organisational goals with the entire organisations and track an individual's performance in achieving those organisational goals.

Overview of process

The process of performance management is a systematic one and can significantly help an organization improve its performance. The process of performance management includes the following 5 steps:


Planning is the process of establishing work expectations and goals, this helps the employees understand what is expected from the employees and how they need to go about with their work in order to meet those expectations effectively.


For any organization t to gain effectiveness it is important to make sure that the employees work is regularly monitored and that performances are regularly measured in order to be able to identify any discrepancies in the employees performance that require rectification.


Performance management also helps identify any training and developmental needs which helps the employees deal with changes within the organization.


Effective organizations ensure that they constantly keep monitoring and comparing the performance of an employee against both previous performance as well as other employees.


Rewards are ways through which employees can be recognized for the excellent performance. Different organizations have different rewards based on performance the important thing is to ensure employees with good performance are rewarded in order to further motivate the employees and make them strive for a better performance (Anonymous, n.d).

Value of performance management

According to a number of studies conducted many organisations which have implemented performance management systems tend to perform much better than other organisations. The value of performance management can be effectively understood by the following ...
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