Performance Appraisal

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Performance appraisal

Performance appraisal

Do you agree with her observation that managers are tempted to just get the appraisal process over with and possibly take care of the appraisal through e-mail?

Performance appraisal, the context

Performance appraisal is simply defined as “a method by which job performance of an employee is determined and evaluated”. It encompasses of the organizational procedures that are lined up to determine the conduct and performance of an employee for evaluating the contribution he made for achieving organizational success.

The significance of performance appraisal

Performance appraisal is an extremely significant. It helps an organization to reach organizational goals and determine human resource capacity in certain ways. It aids the two way flow of performance feedback from relevant authorities to their sub-ordinates. In addition to that, it helps the human capital planning, as well as, in assessing the validation of selection criterion. It attempts to evaluate the transfer, promotion, as well as, decisions pertaining to layoffs and compensation.

Managerial responses to handle appraisal time

The context of corporate functioning is widening, and therefore, the spectrum of managerial responsibilities is expanding. Joyce believes that due to excessive responsibilities, managers tend to collect the appraisal feedback through e-mail, since it saves them time. She makes a valid point, describing the role and significance of one-on-one meeting amongst managers and employees at all levels. She advocates that the lack of time grabs manager's attention to other things, and consequentially they miss out on the most fundamental segment of having a direct two-way interaction with the sub-ordinates that makes them aware of their performance, as well as, their contribution of success. In addition to that, managers the interaction should be focusing on encouragement for current performance, and the areas where performance could have been better (Joyce, 2011).

Prompt response to the appraisal time

Joyce explains the fundamentals of managing the appraisal time in a most productive manner. She advocates its importance and elaborates its significance to the employees. She believes that everyone is curious and interested in finding out his performance results, as well as, his contribution for the organization during the specific period. In managing the appraisal time, a manager has to get hold of three fundamental areas; they are stated as under:

Value people: a manager should assure people feel valued, through appraisals, in terms of their effort and hard work that they put in for the organization.

Communicate the expectations: a manager should assure proper communication of expectation from every single individual in the unit, everyone ought to know what is expected of him, as well as, how to go about performing every specific function prescribed over the job description.

Evaluate the personal development extent: a manager should evaluate extent of personal development and self-enhancement job performance has brought to the employee. This should be an individual-focused analysis (Joyce, 2011).

After putting the afore-mentioned points into practice, a manager could expect a successful performance output from employees, as well as, promising future results and well-oriented organizational meeting at the periodic appraisal ...
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