Performance Analysis Assignment

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Performance Analysis Assignment

Performance Analysis Assignment


Performance analysis can be done through to two type of analysis: one is the biomechanical analysis and the second one is the notational analysis. The two analysis method has many things in common but they also differ with one another on many things. Both the methods help in collecting Quantative and Qualitative data in order to analyse a performance of a team or of any individual. Among the two analyses notational analysis method provides an analysis of the sports teams and the individual sports players. According to Adams (year, pp. 204) notational analysis is a method increasingly being used by the sports teams and sports players in order to bring improvement in their performance. The following notational analysis will provide an evaluation of the methods used by the soccer teams and individual tennis player in order to bring improvement in their performance. The notational analysis will also take into consideration the video analysis used by the teams and individuals to take an edge over their competitors. The notational analysis report will use the feedback of the performance analysis method in order to develop a performance enhancement plan and critically analysis how this plan will be implemented in order to achieve the required results.


Methods of Performance Analysis

According to Barlett (2001) there are two methods for measuring the performance of a scorer team and an individual tennis player. The two methods are the biomechanical and the notational analysis. The two methods not only help in enhancing the performance but also help in improving their games. The two methods are of special importance and a great source of guidance for the coaches and the athletes to first develop an analysis of their game or performance, then it helps in highlighting their weaknesses and helps in developing a plan to bring improvement in their game. The findings of the research suggested that in order to analyse the performance the most important role is of feedback, interaction between the players and the individual skills of the players.

Among the two methods the main aim of the notational analysis is to develop a study of the movement and movement form of the team involved in sports. Notational analysis is helpful in redesigning the strategies and tactics of the teams and individuals involved in any kind of sports. The team management and the mangers with individual athletes time to time use notational analysis in order to indicate the good and bad performances of the team; and help to bring improvement in the techniques so that performance can get better and better. On the other hand biomechanics help in identifying the physical performance of the team or an individual as this analysis help in highlighting the injuries, how to tackle the injuries and what measures need to be taken in the future to avoid performance affecting injuries. According to Barlett (et al., year, pp. 1005) biomechanics help in enhancing good and bad techniques in relation with enhancing expert skills of the team, ...
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