Perfection Foods Limited

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Perfection Foods Limited - Marketing Strategies

Table of Content


Products and Services3

Products Life Cycle5

Industry Analysis5

Market share of UK bread production by value and volume6


Key to Success7

Market Analysis Summary7

Market Segmentation7

Market Analysis8

Target Market Segment Strategy8

Market Needs8

Service Business Analysis8

Micro Environment Analysis9

Customer's Analysis9

Employees Analysis10

Suppliers Analysis11


Competition and Buying Patterns11

Strategy and Implementation Strategy12

Competitive Edge12

Sales Strategy12

Brand Loyalty13


Models and Frameworks17

SMART Framework17







ANSOFF Model20

Marcom Strategies21

Strategy#1: Understand your target market22

Strategy#2: Determine your Campaign Objectives before you start writing22

Strategy#3: Integrate Online and Offline tactics22

Strategy#4: Build your website around what Buyers/Prospects want22

Straegy#5: Focus on your customers, not on your Company23

AIDA model24

DRIP Model25

Sales Strategies26


Perfection Foods Limited - Marketing Strategies


The main purpose of this paper is to make an analysis on the marketing strategies of Perfection Foods Limited. Perfection Foods which is mainly famous for its cake, is considered to be one of the leading and growing cake manufacturers in United Kingdom. The company is famous for offering more than 40 ranges of superior quality handmade cakes. The company has its supplies throughout United Kingdom through its main distributors like Macro and ASDA. Perfection Foods is also engaged in the business of exporting cakes to almost 10 countries around the world including Portugal, Spain and Norway. The main ranges of handmade cakes baked by Perfection Foods are traditional English cakes, Muffins, Cookies and cupcakes.

Products and Services

Perfection foods is engaged in the manufacturing of Pastries, Ice creams, Cakes, Sorbets and Gelatos. The products of the company are available in different stores on the national level through the various distributors. Perfection Group provides the facility of tailoring the products, and customers have the opportunity to design their own menu. Perfection Groups Limited offers the freshly baked products and pastries at any time. The cakes offered by Perfection groups belong to more than 40 different ranges and tastes in order to assure the fresh quality and a high variety of products.

Products Life Cycle

Industry Analysis

Perfection Foods is related to the bakery industry in United Kingdom. The actual worth of the bakery industry in United Kingdom is £3.4 billion. It is considered to be one of the largest markets in the food industry of United Kingdom. The total volume of the bakery industry in United Kingdom is 4 billion units. As per the estimations, almost 12 million loaves and packs are being sold in United Kingdom on everyday basis. There are three main factors that contribute towards the development of banking industry in United Kingdom. The larger and famous companies account for manufacturing 80% of the bakeries in United Kingdom (Arrow, 2000, p. 40). The UK bakery products market is one of the largest in the country's food manufacturing sector and is expected to account for around 10% of total food market sales in 2010. Over the last decade, bakery products sales have been growing by 3% per annum on average, mostly due to rising personal consumption and higher expenditure from catering industries. Increasing health concerns and new lifestyle trends, combined with the growing demand for convenient as well as ready-to-eat food are creating a twofold change in the ...