Perceptions And Effects Of Brands

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Perceptions And Effects Of Brands On The Minds Of Consumers

Perceptions And Effects Of Brands On The Minds Of Consumers


The success of business companies depends upon the satisfied customers. In today's fast pace of competition, the competing organizations use various approaches to attract the customers of the competing brands towards themselves. The business organizations are facing various challenges in developing effective brand images on the minds of the customers. The perceptions and images of brands on the mind of customers have direct and significant impact upon the level of purchases of the customers. There are various factors that create the brand's images on the minds of customers as well as there are various factors that negatively impact the perception and images of the brands.

The marketers carefully consider the factors that positively impact the customers' and consumers' perception, while developing the marketing plans. They develop such marketing plans and approaches that influence the customers to buy the product and services of the organization. The following section aims at discussing in detail the perceptions and effects of brands on the minds of consumers and also how the marketing managers develop and implement strategies to influence positive images and perceptions of brands on the minds of customers.


Major factors that influence the perception and image of customer towards the brand

The brand perception is defined as the way in which the customers and consumers view about the product and services and their characteristics. The perceptions of brand depend upon many factors. The marketing and advertising activities are the major factors that influence the customers to develop negative or positive perceptions regarding the brand. Apart from the marketing and advertising activities of the company, there are also certain factors that affect the perception against brand in the minds of customers. The factors that develop positive or negative brand image involve the following.

Factors relating to the marketing activities of company and the customers' behaviours

The brand attributes and characteristics revealed in the marketing and advertising activities also has significant impact upon the brand perception. The marketing activity if is done will adequate standards, the customer develop positive image of the product and will be likely to use the product. The way the advertising is done, the characters and other elements used in the advertising has also significant impact upon the customers' perception. The well developed marketing and advertising strategies lead to the effective advertising and marketing and this aspect allows the company to attract the customers towards it (Grewal, Krishnan, Baker, and Borin, 2011, pp. 14). The poorly conducted marketing and advertising activities do not attract the customers towards the product. Therefore, the marketing and advertising activities managers must develop such strategies that can attract the large number of target customers towards the product.

If the customer uses the product of the brand and the product meets the expectation of the customer, then the customer will develop positive image regarding the product. The customer then also tries new products that are sold under the brand while ...
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