People II

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People II

People II

Task 1

As a learning and development executive, through my personal development I must ensure that people in the organization are be able to develop the experiences. The conduct of the leaders should follow a double way: on one hand to guide staff and this guidance will track to the daily work. Therefore, as an L&D practitioner and leaders, I have to face challenges to contend with several organisational situations and have to deal with them through effective communication with affected employees on a holistic facilitative approach aimed at soothing nerves, allowing to understand, imparting vision, wholesome acceptance and active participation in the change process. The point here is that I must encourage innovations in organisations mean employees would experience changes in their operations (Cascio 2006, pp. 78).

Some areas where I need to improve include improving my financial appreciation, appreciation of IT and create leadership qualities. Leadership qualities are important for a human resources professional, as I often find myself in a situation that requires me to lead by example. Another skill that I have to improve is the intuitive sense, as identifying hidden talent is part of my job. As an HR professional, I have some personal and professional skills as the ability to think and plan proactively, openness, firmness and realistic approach. I have adequate knowledge about organizational design, reward, retention, recruitment process, training and development, labour relations and labour laws. I have the ability to stay calm at the time of change and emergency situations. These technical and personal skills that help me perform my job effectively. I have several options to develop as effective human resources professional. I can take academic courses related to my professional areas. The second option is to attend seminars and workshops related to talent management. A useful way to develop my deficiency is to take advantage of my elders (Morgan 2005, pp. 75).

I always try to participate in areas where I am weak manage to learn by doing. The professional area I have chosen is the learning and talent development. As learning and development executive, who must ensure that people in my organization will be able to develop the experience, knowledge and skills to achieve long-term goals and long-term shot of our organization? I should be able to motivate them to learn, apply and grow.

I believe that I must maintain integrity in providing information regarding the organization and its plans. As a person of collaboration, I should work inclusive and effective with the current and new talent. I think the talent should be notified and aware of the objectives of the organization to each of the resources in the workplace knows that his contribution to achieving the goal of the organization. My personal development plan will help me in managing Human Resource through focusing on to achieve corporate strategy by effectively managing people of the organisation. It explores and determines a connection between people and their productivity and satisfaction. Effective and proficient human resource management by me ...
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