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Effective Job Interview Analysis

Effective Job Interview Analysis


Communication is the moral fibre of relationships. This assignment is based on interview analysis that present questionnaire between interviewer and an interviewee, the client and the social worker (interviewer as a principle authority) to discuss the communication concerns with the personal life of interviewee through an hour's counselling session. This interview analysis is not subject to written verbatim which is the basic tool to analyse the communication. It merely uses the multidisciplinary approach to discuss the successful learning outcomes from this hour session between the social worker and the client. It also highlights the set of skills for strengths and weaknesses of interviewer during the conduct of interview. A set of consecutive exchanges and communication skills are made the part of tabular structure to analyse each cluster in this portion of the paper (Berg, 2001, pp. 59-82).

A job interview can be stressful. For some candidates, the meeting could be the difference between staying unemployed or finally achieve strengthen their economic situation. In the process there are many things in play, but respondents can reduce stress and give an effective job interview practice and preparation. Although the questions point to the characteristics and personality of each individual candidate, should be answered thinking of “how it benefits the company.” (Holstein, 2006, pp. 140-162).


The result that we have got from the interview questionnaire reflects that the person or the interviewee has some communication lankness and should practice the basic skills of how to answer these questions. The questionnaire shows that there is imbalance association of the knowing oneself as the ratings to the answers vary with the change in questionnaire questions. A detailed discussion will provide help to such interview in finding the lacking points and providing the improvement aspects.

Apart from the dominant strengths of the principle authority in the analysis of the interview, there are also defining weaknesses that could have critique and given alternative actions as in the case of second part of this assignment. The first and foremost weakness lies in the un-patterned taxonomy of the questions. This had disturbed the understanding and interpretation of the clusters of issues drive during the various clusters of the fifteen minute session. Interviewer also did not create the room for follow up question and concluded the session in a disorganized way. Lastly, there were times when the client got humiliated that shows through the body orientation and artwork of the non verbal gesticulations (Ivey, 2007, pp. 56-92).


Communicate "face to face" is something we do innately, because it requires no effort and because we use the normal measure of our resources do not change the power of the voice, or the rhythm of the words, etc.

In contrast, innate longer if we have to speak in front of more than two people in a meeting, or when we defend our credibility in a job interview, or on those occasions when we have to address a large audience (Krueger, 1994, ...