People And Organization

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Culture Effects Organization and People



Impact of Positive Culture on People2

Organizational culture and its effects3





Organization Culture Model5

Power Culture Dimension6

Role Culture Dimension7

Achievement / Task Culture8

Support/Personal culture10

Change in Organizational Culture11


Culture Effects Organization and People


Organization is made up of people. These people make up the culture and the environment of the organization. The values and behavior have the major contribution towards the culture of an organization. It is basically how the organization 'do things'. The organizational culture depicts the set of shared beliefs and values that comes under the company's umbrella. This is how the workers perceive the implicit assumption of reacting towards the different environment.

During 1970s, it was found in research done through surveys of organizational climate that organizational culture is a mean to understand the attitudes and beliefs of employees about their organizations (Haneberg, 2009, p.p 3-7). The culture consists of what is being valued, the language and symbols, leadership styles, routines and procedures, and the success definition that identifies an organization. It is derived from the aim and purpose, past and present ways to manage resources and people. Every organization differs from one another in terms of features thus will have a unique culture. It is important to analyze the culture of an organization as it has an impact on everything that the organization does and its people. The purpose of the study is to analyze how the culture has an effect on the organization and its employees.


The culture of an organization has a major impact on the outcomes in various ways. Strategy, operational performance, and culture are all strongly related. It can be both negative and positive, depending on the management of the business culture. For instance if the culture are not in the accordance and support the strategies, it may lead to high employee turnover rate by causing lack of motivation and decreasing loyalty (GE Capital, 2012, p.2). However, positive culture will lead the employees to have a sense of purpose and pride thus increasing the level of productivity and have a better understanding of the goals of an organization.

There is a strong relation of culture, strategy and operational performance. The companies that are performing well view the culture as the strategy and performance enabler. A leading organization will create an environment that will encourage and motivate the workers to be efficient and increase the productivity of the company. If the organization focuses on managing the culture, it conveys the message to the employees that they are considered to be an essential part of the company. Therefore, the organization will receive a good response from the employees that is directing towards the goal set. The focus will be to create a culture that will support the employees to achieve the goal and reaching the success.

Impact of Positive Culture on People

It is determined that a positive environment and culture will be beneficial for an organization as a whole. There are some reasons for managing positive organizational culture

An organization with strong culture will be ...
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