People And Organisations

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People and Organisations

Table of Content

1: Purpose of Report3

2: Exercise 1: Self Efficacy, Kolb's Reflective Framework, Peer review, Partner interview & experience3

2.1: Part1: Interview Analysis with Classmates3

2.1.1: Complete the framework in depth with reference to the experiences discussed3

2.1.2: Complete one for yourself and your classmate6

What is your experience?6

2.2: Part 2: Self Efficacy9

2.2.1: Self Efficacy - Concept9

2.2.2: Measurement of Self Efficacy Concept11

2.2.3: Ways to Estimate Own Self-Efficacy13

3. Exercise 2: Managing Organisational Culture14

3.1: Part 1: Organisational Culture14

3.2: Part 2: Comparison of Organisational Culture of Two Companies16

4: Exercise 3: Managing Human Resources and Workforce reduction strategies during economic troubles17

4.1: Proposed Measures17

4.2: Impact of the Measures on Employees and Organisations and Selected and rejected Measures18

4.3: Selection of Measures18

5: Conclusion19

People and Organisations

1: Purpose of Report

The main purpose of this paper is to make an analysis on the people and organisation. The paper makes discussion on the concept of self efficacy, and ways to measure the self efficacy using the Kolb framework. The paper also makes discussion on the organisational culture, and comparison of two organisational cultures with reference to company's history and structure.

2: Exercise 1: Self Efficacy, Kolb's Reflective Framework, Peer review, Partner interview & experience

2.1: Part1: Interview Analysis with Classmates

2.1.1: Complete the framework in depth with reference to the experiences discussed

In order to understand the concept of self-efficacy, I have taken interview from my class fellow and asked him the different questions. The asked questions were about the feelings and experiences in the task. I have conducted this interview based on the Kolb framework (Barley, 2008). The paper also makes discussion on the organisational culture, and comparison of two organisational cultures with reference to company's history and structure.

Phase 1: concrete experience

The Kolb learning cycle is the theoretical basis of interactive methods of training. It can apply not only to individuals but also learning to learning teams and organizations. The cycle refers to the process by which individuals, teams and organizations realize and understand their experiences and change their behaviour (Cooke, 2008).

Phase 2: The reflective observation

The subject reflects on what has been done and experienced. That the subject understands or reports depending on their abilities, especially in the field of observation and communication. Values, attitudes and beliefs of the subject can have an influence on the types of events it may be noted.

Phase 3: abstract conceptualization

The subject interprets the events he has noticed and tries to integrate them into a theoretical system.

Phase 4: The active experimentation

The subject uses his improved understanding to try to predict what will happen if the activity has taken in the light of the newly developed theory.

Honey and Mumford (1986) take away from Kolb (1984) the idea of an experiential learning model in four stages they call experience, the return on experience, drawing conclusions and planning. According to them, each phase has behaviours and attitudes and is important to complete the learning process itself. Most people, through the successes and failures of their behaviour in their attempts to learn, develop preferences that make them "love" certain phases of the ...
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