People And Organisation

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People Management and Organisational Behaviour

People Management and Organisational Behaviour


In this assignment being an HR advisor to the manager of an individual supermarket store of a large chain and in order manage the people and organize the behaviour of the staff of the supermarket certain theories will be needed to be applied in order to the run the supermarket smoothly by fulfilling the needs of the staff and making them work in positive way that could result in producing effective results for the supermarket. But the main point is how to manage the people and behaviour of the organization, this can be done with the help of motivation theory. It is very important while running an organization to have the capability of motivating the people that includes shared goals and visionary has been observed to be more effective rather than motivating with the help of manipulation, incentives or tactics through straightforward stick and carrot approaches since motivating through vision is very natural while the former is temporary and artificial.

These theories are capable of classifying widely within two different perceptions: Process and Content theories. We are suppose to be focusing on the process theories of motivation, that are goal setting theory, social cognitive theory, expectancy theory and equity theory and our main goal is to motivate the staff member within the supermarket. Because of the fact that there are different levels of workers within the supermarket it is very important to manage them in a functional way like the different departments of the supermarket, the cashier, the sales person, the shelving person, the accountant a number of people with different skills and requirements that makes the management with the help of theories really important.

Task 1- Two of the Process Theories of Motivation

Expectancy theory of Motivation

This expectancy theory was recommended by Victor Vroom of the “Yale School of Management” in the year 1964. Vroom focuses and stresses on the results unlike Herzberg and Maslow who are observed to be focusing on the needs of the people and organization. This is the major reason we have selected the expectancy theory that can be used to manage the supermarket since we are looking for outcomes. This theory demonstrates that the passion of the tendency to act within a specific manner is mainly dependent on the intensity of expectation where the performance can be pursued by a clear outcome and also on the request of the outcome towards the individual.

The Expectancy theory is helpful because it states that the employee's motivation is the outcome of the amount of reward (Valence) that the individual desires for, the evaluation that the possibility of the effort could result to the desired performance (Expectancy) including the faith that the performance is capable of resulting to a reward (instrumentally). Concluding the fact, Valence is the importance that is related to an individual regarding the expected outcome. It is not the definite but an expected satisfaction that the employee desires to achieve after conquering the certain ...
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