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Introduction - Author and Text

These days, in the world of rapid development, growth and expansion, religious beliefs are now becoming a thing of the past. In light with the changes and the challenges that have risen and occurred, Pentecostalism implies a belief of people and the religious influence that it has in line with the relationship that is being placed by God.

One must realize that even though religious ceremonies, rituals and practices ultimately close in people with the Divine, Pentecostalism specifically promotes this transition unto people who not only change the course of creating and establishing the best and most effective outcomes for themselves, but also guarantee their stay into a much better place as expected (Kay, 2009, pp.96).

This same aspect provides the basis and the foundation of the book written and promoted by William K. Kay, where although Pentecostalism has been promoted by a phenomenon in the light of differing events, trends and forces - psychoanalytical, theological and sociological aspects - the essence is well-knit and maintained in the paper.

While much has been said and done regarding the promulgation of Pentecostalism, it becomes evident that not only does it make way for people to understand what it implies with the concept of establishing a bond, absorbing the aspects and concepts of religious teachings and the practices through which a living soul can make way for progress and expansion in the long-run.

In times of today, we live in a world where religion has become almost negligible. The fact that people have been coiled and completely absorbed by the worldly life and the practices that come with, not only change the course of creating and establishing the best and most effective outcomes, but also call for people to change their point of views in order to establish a strong bonding and relationship altogether in the long-run (Menzies, 2007, pp.78).

Kay not only narrates the essence and the overall structure of Pentecostalism, but it also calls for the changes and the transitions that are made under the realm of this discipline. Kay promotes religious beliefs and the associated experiences that come with it.

In the midst of establishing an in-depth understanding and comprehension of the changes and the challenges that come with it, Kay specifically has targeted the essence of how this discipline has been interpreted - on both societal and religious footings, how has it evolved over the years and ...