Peer Evaluation In Teamwork

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Peer Evaluation in Teamwork

Peer Evaluation in Teamwork

Strengths that can be Utilized in the Workplace


One of the most important and effective skills demonstrated by Michaela have been her teamwork skills. She always put her team as a top most priority and often assumed roles that her team members were not willing to undertake. In addition, her confident attitude served to stimulate and motivate her other team members (Belbin, 2010).

Her ability to manage the whole team as well as potentially handle the grave risks by herself is skills that would be quite effective for organizations. The workplace can greatly benefit form michaela's teamwork skills as many projects being performed by organizations require effective teamwork skills (Belbin, 2010).


In addition, many organizations prefer individuals that are diverse in nature and have the confidence to take up roles and responsibilities that do not fall in their domains. Projects involving team work can greatly benefit from michaela's skills as she is enriched with skills of teamwork. On the other hand, the workplace can greatly benefit if it gives charge of a whole department to Michaela. As a result, Michaela can prove her credentials of managing diverse types of people as she has experience of effectively managing a team (Costa & Passos, 2013).

Organizations today prefer those individuals that possess diversity in their job nature and do not have any resistance towards performing tasks that are against their job designation. Michaela has been known to be highly participative in her team meetings and her peers give ample proof of that. In today's professional environment, organizations prefer those individuals that exhibit exemplary speaking skills and voice their opinions without any hesitancy (Costa & Passos, 2013).

High Participation

Organizations would not encourage those employees that are reserved in nature and do not express themselves. They would be just like dummies working in the organization. Thus the nature of high participation of Michaela can be useful for organizations. Since she expresses her views without any hesitancy, organizations can look to incorporate her excellent speaking skills. With her confident participation, her team members also get encouraged and start speaking up and expressing themselves (Mealiea & Baltazar, 2005).

Michaela always used to be connected with her team as regards the problems they might be facing or ascertaining the progress of the team. Since she was so well connected, the team members enjoyed a healthy and comfortable relationship with her.

This aspect can come quite handy if the organization works on a team work basis and promotes cordial professional relationships. The employees being supervised by Michaela would greatly benefit because they would be pretty comfortable in interacting with her and sharing professional problems with her (Mealiea & Baltazar, 2005).

Since Michaela would be aware of the problems being faced by her team, she would be in a better position not only to solve them but would also look at defending her team members in front of the authorities concerned.

Weaknesses that can be Improved upon in the Workplace

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