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The paper intends to determine the psychological disorder of pedophilia which is the immoral behavior of adults wherein they are actively engaged in sexual activities with the children under the age of eighteen years. This behavior stimulates the person to engage in the range of sexual activities which include exposing the private parts to children, masturbating in front of prepubertal kids, fondling and undressing them, having oral sex, and even full genital intercourse. The persons having the arousal for such sex are coined as pedophile. Pedophiles can either be male or female, and young or old. The psychologists say that the pedophiles are not criminal but they are mentally ill and have the intense arousals for the sex with children but they do not intend to harm them. It has also been indicated that the pedophiles do not consider such act as unethical rather they rationalize their conduct with the belief that they do not do anything wrong but its natural and ethical. The psychologists explain that the most of the pedophiles are not aggressive or violent rather they are friendly with children and attempt to gain the affection of children through being compassionate with them and achieve their purposes. The psychologists say that the pedophiles are not criminal but they are mentally ill and have the intense arousals for the sex with children but they do not intend to harm them.

The study indicates that the Treating the pedophilia holds the immense significance as because it does not only negatively affect the pedophile but also the innocent children who suffer the sexual abuse. There are various treatments and therapies for pedophiles but the most common are the psychotherapy and the intake of medication. The treatments are found to be effective in shaping the negative behaviors of pedophiles.



Pedophilia is the sexual perversion in which the adult has the unusual recurrent and extreme desires for sexual arousals where the children are the preferred sexual object. It is known as the psychosexual disorder in which the prepubertal children are targeted for the achieving the sexual excitement and gratification. It can either be heterosexual or homosexual. According to Fallon (2008) that the prime focus of pedophilia is the sexual activity performed with the child under the age of eighteen years, generally age thirteen or younger. The mental health professionals term this act as the mental disorder however, the American legal system s calls it as the criminal act. This behavior stimulates the person to engage in the range of sexual activities which include exposing the private parts to children, masturbating in front of prepubertal kids, fondling and undressing them, having oral sex, and even full genital intercourse. The persons having the arousal for such sex are coined as pedophile. Pedophiles can either be male or female, and young or old. However, the majority of the pedophiles are found to be males. Pedophilia is the immoral behavior which causes to develop due to numerous reasons as because every individual is different from the ...
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