Pediatrics Paper

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Pediatrics Paper

Pediatrics Paper


This paper is a 2 page written paper reflecting my personal experience of my time with the CVCHH Health Fair. In first section of the paper, the services of the vendor that were presented to the children at health fair are discussed. In second section, the application of vendor's product to the students is discussed as well as the experience of students in terms of learning.


Vendor Services

The children attended the CVCHH Health Fair to learn various safety tips like Ex. Dog safety, water safety, helmet safety and American Ambulance and Hand washing and CPR services. Children visited different booths at the health fair to gain knowledge regarding different accidents that could happen and safety measures that could save the lives of people from facing such accidents. The vendor whose services were presented appropriately to the children was the services of safety awareness techniques and skills. The services that vendor provided to the children at health fair included, generation of safety awareness through ex dog safety, water safety, helmet safety, American ambulance, hand washing and CPR services.

The water safety service of vendor was regarding the safety for kids and children while playing in or near the water. This service highlighted the various ways through which kids can be safe in the water and precaution measures were communicated to kids so that children can implement those safety measures while they are on their own. This includes various water fun skills by the vendor through which children can learn the importance of keeping them safe while playing in the water (Kids Health, 2013).

There are many great reasons for kids to ride the bike. It offers, fun, freedom and exercise to them. While children ride the bike, they are at the risk of being fallen on the ground and getting hurt. Vendor highlighted ...
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