Pedagogy Of Science

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Pedagogy of Science

Pedagogy of Science


Science is a field of culture dedicated to explaining the rules governing the world, based on scientific method or scientific paradigms. Theses are supported experiences that lead to the continuous expansion of knowledge about the scientific world around us. Inventions resulting from the assistance of scientific experiments, streamline the daily lives, helping them often, accelerating technological progress, but also saving the daily lives of many people. But the problem is to use science against man, especially by totalitarian governments (Fleer & Hardy, 2001). 

Science is generally divided into formal (social sciences - mathematics, logic and structural) and real - life sciences (dealing with the perception of the world by man such as physics, biology, chemistry, geography), science, engineering, humanities (describe life cultural and spiritual man, such as history, linguistics and philosophy) and socio-economic (dealing with the changes that are taking place in society and describing its organization, including economics , political science, sociology , psychology). 

Science is the basis of present societies. Children from an early age take the knowledge to help them in life. Our world is full of technical objects. It is good that the public has some familiarity with them and that early contact with the science has given them. Also is it necessary to draw into careers in science and technology more students than at present. But even more necessary is to open children to the culture that is to say to a wide opening to the world and beings (Martin et al, 2009).

Good Science Curriculum

The good science curriculum should contain the main characteristics that are:- Systematic - Cumulative - Methodical - Provisional - Verifiable - Specialized - Open - Product of a scientific investigation

Science is an essential part of modern life and scientific knowledge is only a particular kind of knowledge. There are other kinds of knowledge than scientific knowledge, which are fundamental to human welfare, as the knowledge gained by tradition, transmitted from generation to generation by oral or written, or empirical knowledge, acquired solely by experience and perception.

Ways to learn Science


All scientific work starts with observations. Observing the most famous of the History of Science is undoubtedly that of a falling apple made by Newton, who gave him the idea of ??his theory of universal gravitation. Even if this story is perhaps a legend, it admirably illustrates the scientific process: there is a phenomenon, sometimes surprising, but often banal. The observation has to be the most objective and accurate as possible. It should not be influenced by a possible explanation, which could skew the. Observation should increasingly often help of instruments. These instruments are sometimes needed to make this observation: ...
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