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Personal Development Plan


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Skills Learned5

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Personal Development Plan


An individual learns as he/she moves ahead in his/her life and career. At first, an individual learns as a child then as a students and finally as a professional. Personal development planning is an important practice that prepares individuals personally and professionally (Greene, 2008, 52). Personal development planning is something that happens over time and it is a one minute thing. Personal development planning is a personal process. In this paper I am going to do planning for my personal and professional development. This personal planning will allow me to have clearer ideas about the kind of life and work I want, it will help me to have greater confidence in the choices I shall be making regarding my profession. Moreover it will create greater confidence in the attributes, skills, and qualities and me and career of my choice. With the help of this developmental planning I shall be able to be in a better position to compete jobs, effectively be able to discuss my skills, competences, and personal qualities. Development of positive attitude will eventually help me with successful professional life.

I have always persuaded my studies in the field of sociology as a social worker because in my opinion I am very caring person and I like to help people who are needy and address their social issues. In addition, adopting social work as a profession is for people who have strong desire to help others and improve their lives. Social workers along with their major duties such as dealing with relationships, health issues, social problems, unemployment etc also play an important role in administration of health, government. They conduct research on how to improve social services. They are also an important part of policy development and development of social system. I have completed most of the courses of my graduate degree (BSW) in social work from XYZ University. Now as I have just entered in professional environment, I need to need to manage my career and plan a development plan for myself as this professional development plan will facilitate me to be the right path. Today, the concept of corporate social responsibility has become a major part of businesses; the skills of social work can help me in fulfilling the requirements of that major part (Cottrell, 2003, 25). Moreover, the ability to build trust and manage conflict is of social worker can help me in effectively attaining business objective without much hurdles.

Chosen Profession

In my future professional life I want to become a social worker. The social worker is a profession that that deals with promotion of human welfare and the prevention and treatment of difficulties and social needs of individuals, families, groups and social environment in which they live. The degree in social work will make me clear about the social resources that are needed to overcome situations of personal crisis and ...
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